honeydew / 7916 posts
@swedishfish: @Mrs. Pinata: Yes, didn't the Gosselins have an IUI with too many mature follicles and their RE cancelled the cycle and warned them not to have sex but they did anyway?
hostess / wonderful apple seed / 16729 posts
@spaniellove: I didn't get that email but I can see that as well. I think everyone should get healthcare, though. I see there has been less coverage since ACA but that's to take care of the people who didn't or couldn't get insurance. Gotta take one for the team.
I want IF coverage, too. Only in a perfect world, though.
bananas / 9229 posts
@spaniellove: I didn't see that email? What was it about? (What would change?)
grapefruit / 4187 posts
I had IF coverage on my insurance, but only two rounds of clomid ended up costing us about $1K in copays and "extra's" like ovulation predictors and pregnancy tests. Before the fertility center let us try our first cycle we came in for probably about 15 screening tests with a hefty copay each time. Every morning monitoring was $33 copay, I had several a week. And we would randomly get bills for things that weren't covered, I couldn't understand anything on those bills since they used jargon to code everything.
honeydew / 7916 posts
@bluestriped bee: It was buried in the one about the fertility scorecard. I think it's pretty awful that legislators want to get rid of the mandates/coverage, although healthcare for all is in general a priority.
@LindsayInNY: They sent a link to this page:
Which if you click on "learn more here" in the second box down takes you to
With a note about the mandates being in jeopardy in certain states.
pomelo / 5628 posts
I'll as some more detail too: teacher in CA, great insurance, no IF beyond diagnostics (then I switched to insurance that did cover through IUI, but at that point didn't want to leave my RE.
HSG, $300
AFC, $450
Clomid+Iui, $550 excl. meds ($30?) x 3
IVF success guarantee option (money back if not successful after all eggs used), 18k?
IVF meds, 2k
Acupuncture, 1k?
Lots of random other stuff...
But then probably a million dollar NICU stay, that we paid nothing for...
nectarine / 2433 posts
More than I ever imagined..... So far we have paid probably $5,000 or $6,000 for four IUI's (including meds). We are fortunate because there were only a few tests not covered by our provincial insurance (diagnosis). We are moving forward with IVF in the summer and it will likely be $13,000 to $15,000 OOP
nectarine / 2433 posts
@Shutterbug: The argument you are proposing is forming part of the basis for legislation where I am from to get IVF covered (1 cycle per couple) by the provincial health care program. The cycle would only be covered for a SET. It will be interesting to see if it gets implemented next year.
persimmon / 1135 posts
I think we've spent about $4,000, but are still making RE payments -- we went in telling them we didn't have insurance coverage, but for some reason they submitted everything to our ins co and the claims were coming back saying that we obviously owed 100% but the costs were astronomical! We spoke with our RE billing person who told us we should've been billed for everything at a self-pay rate. So now we are getting all the bills at a 75% discount. Urgh!
Also still on progesterone for IC which costs about $260 a month.
bananas / 9229 posts
@spaniellove: Their website is so vague! The "learn more here" provides no additional information... Oy.
GOLD / pomegranate / 3688 posts
My understanding is that most insurance companies don't cover IF treatments NOT because they don't want to cover IF, but because they don't want to cover the cost of multiples (which are way more expensive, as others have mentioned). This is INCREDIBLY DUMB, since better IF coverage would lead to fewer multiples, *and* because the insurance covers the pregnancy (multiples, NICU, etc.) regardless of how you get pregnant, so they are covering the multiples anyway. Don't even get me started.
My insurance covers diagnostics, but no treatment and no meds. Thankfully, we did not have to go the IVF route for DD, but we spent easily $2,000+ on my surgery, multiple HSGs, etc. I don't even want to think about how much I have spent on FRERs...
pomelo / 5000 posts
@bluestriped bee: Was the petition thread in the IF boards? I've seen a couple of threads where people have asked which boards they hide, and IF comes up as one of them. So it could be that simply posting something in the infertility boards means not as many people are going to see it!
hostess / wonderful apple seed / 16729 posts
@Happygal: yeah, I posted it to the IF boards. Don't even get me started on people hiding the IF boards. It's a huge IF Awareness FAIL! I can see how they can't relate to our situation but hiding it so they don't see it? It's stupid! I don't want to see baby announcements, but It's life. Even if I hid boards here, it's not going prevent me from seeing stuff on FB or IRL. I know this is an exaggeration and partly because I'm mad but I think there are people out there who don't want to see the IF boards because they don't want to feel guilty. (I know, not everyone thinks like that.)
As you can tell, I was not very happy when people admitted that they were hiding the IF boards.
ETA: I was also looking at the thread's page views. People were opening or reading the thread, just not signing it.
kiwi / 636 posts
@bluestriped bee: can you link that thread? I don't remember seeing the petition
Also, just found out that the trigger shots that I receive are $200 each without insurance! We actually had to throw away the second shot because it took us over an hr to get to RE's office this morning due to traffic & the meds needed to be refrigerated.
pomelo / 5000 posts
@lazypanda: oh no! My trigger shot doesn't have to be refrigerated--what type is yours? I did worry b/c I left my drugs out one night and forgot to refrigerate them, but my house was cool and I'm hoping it's all okay.
@bluestriped bee:my feelings are mixed about it. I get if people feel like they can't relate, but some of the comments like, "Ain't nobody got time for that!" were on the insensitive side.
GOLD / pomegranate / 3688 posts
Hmmmmmm. I am of two minds. On one hand, you can't learn about IF (read: learn to be a more sensitive citizen of the world) if you hide the boards. But, on the other hand, I don't need a bunch of people popping in to say "just relax and it will happen!!!" (Sorry. I'm having a bitter day.)
GOLD / pomelo / 5737 posts
@bluestriped bee: wow, I knew people talked about spending a lot, but this is still eye opening for me. Thanks for posting.
Re: hiding IF boards... Could be that some people also just want to stay out of it in an attempt not to make a dumb comment. Even with the best of intentions it can be tricky responding to IF threads when you just haven't been there.
@septca: smart. You're totally right!
hostess / wonderful apple seed / 16729 posts
@lazypanda: Here is the link to the thread.
@Happygal: As for insensitive comments, have you had this problem on the IF boards? I haven't see any comments like that. (Yeah, there was one thread, but that was early on.) Most of the people who comment usually understand where we are coming from or can't relate but can still say supportive things.
hostess / wonderful apple seed / 16729 posts
@googly-eyes: yeah, but how is hiding a thread prevent you from saying insensitive things. You (not you in particular) still have those thoughts. How are you suppose to know something is insensitve if you dont see us posting about it. Or seeing those threads where non IFers ask how to support a friend. There's no education involved if you read about our struggle.
pineapple / 12793 posts
@bluestriped bee: Just jumping in quickly to note that I signed the petition but didn't come back to announce it on your thread. Hopefully the page views you are seeing are from others like me that did support the petition but didn't leave a comment.
hostess / wonderful apple seed / 16729 posts
@oliviaoblivia: oh, Thank you. I assume there would be some that didn't announce it. It was just the number of page views was about 75% more than the people who signed. I remember thinking we had barely 25% of the page views signed and I even took in account people like me that opens a thread a bunch of times. Also, I understand there were people who didn't even use the hellobee link and so the number of people signed from HB was probably even less.
pomelo / 5000 posts
@googly-eyes: I'm not sure, but that is a possibility. I don't want anyone to ever feel like they have to tip-toe around though, and hope it's not the reason. I'm certain I've said insensitive things in situations before b/c it's hard to know what to say with tough situations. I get that and try to operate with a lot of grace (and hope others extend it to me as well).
I came to HB when learning about trying to get pregnant, and wound up in the IF corner. I feel lucky that it's here at HB, but if I really wanted IF to be up and center, I would move to a specific IF board. People come to HB for different reasons, and should try to get what they need/want from the site. I'm fine with that.
However, there have been a few non-IF threads where I've felt like others were.....I don't know....almost irritated with IF folks? It hasn't happened very often, but there have been a few times that I've been taken aback by comments and the tone. I normally just walk away from those and try to move on.
Sorry to derail from the original topic!
pomelo / 5000 posts
@septca: sorry you're having a bitter day. I was sad to read your update. Hugs.
hostess / wonderful apple seed / 16729 posts
@Happygal: yeah, I get this feeling that people don't like me because of how vocal I am about my IF struggle. You can tell how I feel by seeing if I create threads in IF or if I ask spin-off question within a thread.
Sometimes I feel like a sad and angry/bitter IF violin (I know part of it is my past history of depression but I also realized that its okay to be angry with the cards we were given), but most of the time people here are supportive and I really do appreciate HB for it. But at the same time, I think do I have to hide my true emotions to please people? Funny, I'm a people pleaser but when it comes to IF, I don't care what people think. IF is such a taboo topic and a lot of us feel alone and I'm perfectly fine being a voice for others who aren't ready to admit they have IF. It infuriates me to think people are hiding the IF boards. We already feel alone and to think people don't want to hear about our struggle( ?!?) because of [insert reason] here. Just pisses me off.
GOLD / pomegranate / 3688 posts
@bluestriped bee: ((standing ovation))
I am *really* open about my struggle in real life. At first, I think it kind of embarassed DH (my total puritan Yankee husband). But I spent a lot of time talking about how alone IF made me feel, and that if - by talking about it - I could make one person feel less alone, that was a victory. He is a total convert and now brings up our struggle with complete strangers (maybe a little overboard, but I'll take it).
wonderful pear / 26210 posts
Dipping my toe in here, I've been reading along....
In general, I think people are scared to post in the IF threads. Not scared in a horrified way, but scared that they'll get beaten down or brushed off because they haven't been through it and can't really fathom what it's like. I know that's the case for me and I don't know if there is really anything to be done about it.
I think it's really common for people who are looking for advice to honor the BTDT opinion. It's probably not more than that.
hostess / wonderful apple seed / 16729 posts
@septca: Yeah, the first time I posted it on FB, both the DH and I were worried, but we saw how supportive our friends were. The DH doesn't care if I continue posting in FB. He said most of our friends already know so it doesn't bother him anymore.
GOLD / pomelo / 5737 posts
@bluestriped bee: I meant specifically on the thread. I know it still comes out in other threads as @happygal suggested and probably IRL.
You have the right to be pissed. I don't think you're annoying and I actually appreciate your input and comments and think you handle things with kindness and maturity. I do think there are some valid reasons to hide any board, but I can see where you're coming from with the I don't care vibe..not ok. For lack of better words it sucks that there's a divide.
GOLD / coconut / 8266 posts
@bluestriped bee: I know how you feel...it really stung to read that people were hiding the IF threads. Hiding a good portion of the community? People pop into other TTC threads ALL THE TIME to wish others luck. Why not do that in the IF threads?
hostess / wonderful apple seed / 16729 posts
@looch: aww, I'm sorry that we make you scared to post in the IF boards. Sometimes I love it when non-IFers post their support. Just a simple "thinking of you" can go so far for us. I've been vocal about those 3 simple words. It can be tricky if you start saying other things like incorporating god or mentioning time. Some of us can take those messages so differently depending upon where we are.
We really just don't want to be forgotten. Especially in a world where parenting and being pregnant can take over your life.
honeydew / 7916 posts
@bluestriped bee: It's not just IF, I've seen this kind of thing happen with special needs where some people will go the distance to learn about it or at least do what they can to be an ally and some people make it clear that they feel it's very much not their problem. HB is probably a more tolerant community as far as friction goes since you won't see as much obvious disrespect as some other similar sites. But it does make things tough that everyone is thrown together into the mix - there are "boards" when you post but the entire community sees them. It's more like a category.
@Happygal: I agree about checking out a real IF board every now and then, even if it's just to lurk. That's where you'll learn what a lot of other people in your situation are doing, the different protocols, etc.
wonderful pear / 26210 posts
@bluestriped bee: It goes both ways. If you (general) want people to feel comfortable, you have to make the environment welcoming. In the end, I believe it's all about message delivery, not so much the message. I feel it holds true even in this discussion.
I hope we can find a middle ground!
hostess / wonderful apple seed / 16729 posts
@spaniellove: yeah, that, too.
I think I've asked you about this before, what other IF boards would you recommend?
pomelo / 5000 posts
@looch: What ways can a group be welcoming? Mainly checking message delivery, like you said? Do you feel like that is present or lacking?
@spaniellove: good suggestion! I'd also love to hear what sites you'd recommend, although I am a little concerned I could go into information overload and start questioning everything.
pomegranate / 3895 posts
@looch: I completely second this. I think about the IF people a lot (and follow a lot of their journeys), but would be / am terrified to comment. My sister went through IF (PCOS) and so I know some stuff from her, but I don't want to EVER seem insensitive or like I think I even remotely know what I'm talking about. I think, unfortunately, people tend to stick to what they know and avoid the things they don't (I live in the South and think this is a huge problem here). As a result, we end up just staying in our bubble. It's so easy to assume that your support isn't needed or even valid because you haven't gone through IF. And it was important for me to be reminded in this thread that this mentality is simply not the case and can be very hurtful! I sincerely hope that we all make an effort to become more integrated - regardless of stage.
For example, I personally LOVED seeing @bluestriped bee 's dogs on the Easter ears thread. I lurked on that thread, but don't have a LO so I didn't feel like I had anything to add. I made my dogs Easter baskets (okay, I realize I'm certifiable) and I could have easily posted that to the "Show me your Easter basket" thread. (ETA: I hope this makes sense... I read over this post maybe 15 times and I felt it was an interesting point, but couldn't really tie it in right)
Long story short, I wanted to comment because I'd been following this thread and felt like by not commenting I was doing exactly what we were are all saying is the problem. I was letting my fear of saying something wrong keep me from showing support for the people in a community that has given me so much.
wonderful pear / 26210 posts
@Happygal: I am heading home for the day, not sure if I will be able to elaborate later, I don't want you to think I forgot/don't care. I have some ideas, I'll try to be back later, if not tomorrow morning!
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@BakerBee: @looch: I agree!
I often read the IF threads, but often feel afraid to say anything because I don't want to come across as insensitive (and actually have already come across as insensitive to those dealing with IF in a non-IF thread). And I literally just reworded that last sentence three times because I was worried about coming across as even MORE insensitive!
But I follow your struggles and I keep you all in my thoughts!
grapefruit / 4703 posts
@looch: please do! I feel like I'm defensive/protective of the IF ladies, but like @bluestriped bee: said I do really appreciate knowing that some of the non-IF ladies are lurking/following along and rooting us on.
pomelo / 5000 posts
@looch: I look forward to hearing your thoughts. Maybe we can start a new thread about it for the HB community.
bananas / 9229 posts
What @Shutterbug: said!
I'm appreciative of support, whether it's IF, pregnancy, TTC, whatever related! But, I am also in the "there's a time and a place" for it though... I don't know how I'd feel with people randomly commenting on the IF Check-In thread but that's also because I wouldn't comment on a Due Date thread (that wasn't my due date). My personal feelings though, that's all!
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