Hellobee Boards


IF Check-In - 6/26

  1. winter_wonder

    persimmon / 1479 posts

    @Mrs. Pinata, Mrswin, and purplepumps: On a whim I called the RE this afternoon. They had a last minute cancellation for Monday (this Monday)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can't believe my luck. Thanks for the push ladies! I seriously would have never considered an RE without joining HB. Feeling thankful

    It sounds like they're going to do an ultrasound on Monday and go from there. I've never had one done so we'll see what happens.

  2. FliegepilzHut

    pomegranate / 3533 posts

    @winter_wonder: Yay! That's wonderful! Thank you again for the well-wishes!

  3. PurplePumps

    pomegranate / 3809 posts

    @FliegepilzHut: yay, good luck!

    @winter_wonder: That's awesome, hope you get some answers with the RE! And if yesterday was CD 3 or 4, maybe the RE can run blood work again for progesterone too.

  4. winter_wonder

    persimmon / 1479 posts

    @PurplePumps: I'm on CD 29 today....still waiting on AF. But, I would love it if I could get other additional tests knocked out at my appointment!

  5. Boopers

    pear / 1548 posts

    My CD22 bloodwork came back and my progesterone was 8.9. My doctor said it's normal but everything I've read says that below 10 is a concern I go in for an ultrasound on the 8th to get a bigger picture and then I have a follow up/consultation on the 15th. I spotted for three days starting on CD23 and ended up having a 25 day cycle so I know something isn't right. Feeling frustrated and wishing this process was faster. I'm not sure why my doctor just didn't go ahead and do the ultrasound this past cycle and now we have to wait another cycle to even get answers. I know I'm being whiny, but I'm just ready for answers and next steps!

    On lighter news, we are going on vacation this week and I feel good knowing I can at least fully enjoy the trip and drink whatever I want. It'll be a nice distraction until my ultrasound!

    I hope everyone has a great weekend!

  6. Boopers

    pear / 1548 posts

    @winter_wonder: that's so exciting, good luck!

  7. PurplePumps

    pomegranate / 3809 posts

    @winter_wonder: oh shoot, I thought it was CD21 yesterday when you got the results back.

  8. FliegepilzHut

    pomegranate / 3533 posts

    @PurplePumps: Thank you!

    @Boopers: I'm sorry you had a particularly wonky cycle... Hopefully you will get some satisfying answers soon. Have a great time on vacation!

  9. mrswin

    nectarine / 2433 posts

    @winter_wonder: Wow! Sounds like it all worked out like it should with a cancellation and your timing

    @Boopers: Enjoy your trip! Sorry you have to wait for the next cycle to do the ultrasound

  10. winter_wonder

    persimmon / 1479 posts

    @Boopers: You're not being whiny! It's really hard getting tests on certain days or waiting until the next cycle, etc. Hang in there. I hope your vacation is super relaxing and fun!

    @purplepumps: no, my OB just took forever to get the results back to me ...so ridiculous. They were supposed to get them to me at the latest on tuesday, but it ended up being late on thursday afternoon (after two phone calls from me). I feel like they were not on their A game!

    @Mrswin: yes! I am in such a better mood today after getting the appointment secured!

  11. Mrs. Pinata

    blogger / pear / 1563 posts

    @winter_wonder: that's awesome! I hope your apt goes really well on Monday!

  12. PurplePumps

    pomegranate / 3809 posts

    @winter_wonder: Hopefully your RE is much quicker! Mine has same day results if you get blood drawn before 9:30am. Their sole purpose is to get your pregnant, so they dont have the "luxury" to slack and wait days to get results back to you.

  13. winter_wonder

    persimmon / 1479 posts

    @Mrs. Pinata: thank you so much
    @Purplepumps: Wow, that's awesome! So fast!

  14. FliegepilzHut

    pomegranate / 3533 posts

    It's been a really good day so far! We got 17 eggs and have fingers crossed for a good fertilization report tomorrow afternoon. I am contemplating celebrating with more Vietnamese food...and more gelato!

  15. winter_wonder

    persimmon / 1479 posts

    @FliegepilzHut: That's positively awesome!!! Good for you Wishing you with fertilization!

  16. Kelli_Deluxe

    apricot / 288 posts

    @FliegepilzHut: Awesome news!! Can't wait to hear about how many fertilize!

    @Sunshine1810: Hugs I can only imagine how you're feeling. I hope you've been easy on yourself this past week. Thinking of you and your DH

  17. FliegepilzHut

    pomegranate / 3533 posts

    @winter_wonder: @Kelli_Deluxe: Thanks! Will keep you all in updates.

  18. PurplePumps

    pomegranate / 3809 posts

    @FliegepilzHut: That sounds like a great number of eggs!

  19. LindsayInNY

    bananas / 9229 posts

    @FliegepilzHut: What great news!!

  20. FaithFertility

    eggplant / 11861 posts

    @FliegepilzHut: Praying for you

  21. Sunshine1810

    pear / 1556 posts

    @Jenn23: Thank you!!

    @FliegepilzHut: That's wonderful news! I am praying for you! Definitely keep us updated

    @Kelli_Deluxe: Thank you so much! I am alright. Obviously DH and I are very sad, but we're not giving up yet! I was on vacation last week so that was nice, and DH and I have a concert and some fun things planned this week. I am just trying to relax as much as I can. Thank you for thinking of me!

  22. Jenn23

    persimmon / 1085 posts

    @winter_wonder: Good luck at your appt. today! Can't wait to hear what the RE has to say! Glad you went to see an RE.

    @FliegepilzHut: As I said on the IVF thread, yay for 17 eggs!! That's awesome. Can't wait to hear the fertilization report and whether you will have the 3 or 5 day transfer. So exciting!!!

    Hope all of you ladies had a nice weekend!!

  23. Mrs. Pinata

    blogger / pear / 1563 posts

    @FliegepilzHut: Yay! Great news! Especially the part about gelato.

  24. FliegepilzHut

    pomegranate / 3533 posts

    @winter_wonder: How was your appt today?

    @Sunshine1810: I' glad you and DH had a good time on vacation! I am thinking of you and sending lots of !

    @FaithFertility: @PurplePumps: @Sunshine1810: @Jenn23: @Mrs. Pinata: Thank you all for your prayers and good thoughts! FX still crossed, waiting... The gelato was/is a most amazing thing...but if all is well, I may celebrate tonight with a beer!

  25. Sunshine1810

    pear / 1556 posts

    @FliegepilzHut: Thank you!!! I am thinking of you too! FX!!!!

  26. FliegepilzHut

    pomegranate / 3533 posts

    @Sunshine1810: Thanks! It means a lot to me!

  27. winter_wonder

    persimmon / 1479 posts

    @Jenn23 and FLIEGEPILZHUT : loved, loved, loved my RE! She is so knowledgeable! I felt like she was actually listening to me! I spent 3.5 hours there! Since she knew I drove a long way she did as much testing and discussing as possible.

    I had a transvaginal ultrasound that seemed to indicate that I did ovulate this month! Hooray! I am so happy to hear this since I was freaking out since my previous OB told me I hadn't. My RE also confirmed that I should not have had the blood test on CD 21, I feel so vindicated!!!!!!!!! She said she's not worried about my progesterone level either (she said a 3.58 still indicates I likely ovulated based on the day of the blood draw).

    Everything else on the ultrasound looked normal. The next thing the RE wants to do is do an HSG test on me. I've read about these on HB. I'm a bit nervous, but I know it will only be uncomfortable temporarily.

    My RE asked how quickly I wanted to move and said that we could potentially do IUI in July (same cycle as the HSG). She said that some research even shows that IUI is slightly more successful the same month an HSG is done. I will also be starting Femera this next cycle as well. DH and I are on board with this! I might be jumping the gun, but I am hopeful that we can give IUI a go in July! Yayyy!!!!

    I am SO happy I went to the RE today! I am so thankful you all encouraged me to go! it was definitely worth the drive!

  28. FliegepilzHut

    pomegranate / 3533 posts

    @winter_wonder: That's great news!!!

  29. PurplePumps

    pomegranate / 3809 posts

    @winter_wonder: Sounds like a great appointment! yay! Don't worry too much about the HSG, just remember to take an Advil or 2 30-45 minutes before it. The cramping only lasted like 5 seconds for me and then I went back to work cause it was such a breeze even though I'd planned on taking the rest of the day off. with the Femera

  30. mrswin

    nectarine / 2433 posts

    @winter_wonder: Sounds like you had a great appointment today and I am so glad you were able to get some testing in so quick! Did she schedule your DH for a SA as well? Hopefully the HSG will be easy for you, was no worse than a pap for me

  31. Mrs. Pinata

    blogger / pear / 1563 posts

    @winter_wonder: Yay! Wonderful appointment! Great update!

  32. winter_wonder

    persimmon / 1479 posts

    @PurplePumps: Ok good to know I'm trying not to worry too much about it, but the day of I'll probably be a nervous wreck!

  33. winter_wonder

    persimmon / 1479 posts

    @mrswin: Yes, I am so thankful for quick testing. I brought copies of DH's 3 previous SA. After looking at them, she agreed with his urologist that she didn't think he needed any additional testing.

    @mrs. pinata: Thank you!

  34. FliegepilzHut

    pomegranate / 3533 posts

    Got my fertilization update: did 50% ICSI and we have 14 embryos!!!

  35. PurplePumps

    pomegranate / 3809 posts

    @FliegepilzHut: yay! Are you going to do 3 or 5 day xfer? Do you mind my asking why you elected to do half ICSI? That is something my RE mentioned we could do as well (2-3) just in case we have total fertilization failure (though we have no reason to suspect we would), but DH is firmly against ICSI unless necessary since he feels that nature does not get to run it's course that way.

  36. FliegepilzHut

    pomegranate / 3533 posts

    @PurplePumps: They'll let us know tomorrow AM... If quite a few are growing happily and there are no clear "winners, " we'll likely push us back to Day#5. There was some concern that there could be a MF issue...and I think it is to avoid a "failure" after all the heavy lifting has been done, so to speak. They would have performed ICSI on more/fewer had I asked...but I think they frequently do 50% to ensure the highest number of healthy embryos. Sorry that this is a point of contention for you guys...

  37. lazypanda

    kiwi / 636 posts

    Aloha ladies! I'm back from my mini trip & so busy but tired at work. I will have to reply to everyone's updates later tonight! I hope everyone is doing well though!

    @FliegepilzHut: yay for your awesome numbers! FX for tomorrow's results and plan for the next step!

  38. FaithFertility

    eggplant / 11861 posts

    @winter_wonder: @FliegepilzHut:
    What great updates:) ♥

  39. FliegepilzHut

    pomegranate / 3533 posts

    @lazypanda: @FaithFertility: Thanks to you both! (@lazypanda: Lucky socks rule!!! )

  40. Kelli_Deluxe

    apricot / 288 posts

    Having kind of a weird day. I spent the last 24hrs with a good friend who delivered her baby. She's like a little sister to me and I promised to be there with her from the start of labor. It was an amazing experience and I'm so happy I was able to be along side of her husband to help her through everything. When I got home after, it hit me that my pregnancy from my 1st mc would currently have me 32wks pregnant I guess I'm just feeling overwhelmed; what if I never get to experience pregnancy/labor/childbirth? It's just a lot of emotion right now

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