pomegranate / 3533 posts
@Kelli_Deluxe: I'm so sorry. That is the hardest thing. Wishing you comfort right now and faith that everything will turn out right in the end...if it's not alright, then it's not the end.
kiwi / 636 posts
@FliegepilzHut: your summer favorites sound so good. Yay for the lucky socks! Have you completed wearing all of the socks?
@macintosh: yay for the close of escrow and the consult appointment for IVF!
@Jenn23: the u/s story is hilarious! DH would be cracking up and playing with the wand if he was put in that situation.
@mrswin: homemade coconut ice cream sounds delicious! Woohoo for starting your stims soon!
@winter_wonder: yay for great news with your RE! I just had my HSG last week and it went by really quickly! Do you know when you'll be getting your HSG done?
@PurplePumps: FX for your TWW!
@Mrs. Pinata: My sentiments exactly regarding sleeping with DH to get pregnant easily.
@mrs bunchy: I hope your DH's surgery on Thursday goes well and hopefully this will be followed by great us appointment next week!
@TheSwissWifeStyle: I've never grilled avocados before as I feel like they are so soft they'll fall through the grates. I hope your new RE will be helpful in getting you KU or at least invested in hearing out what you would like to see done.
@bluestriped bee: good luck with tomorrow's appt! FX that the holiday will bring you luck for your IUI!
@Boopers: I'm sorry about your short cycle. I hope you enjoy your vacation knowing that you can drink and eat whatever you want! Where are you headed?
@Sunshine1810: I'm sorry about the loss. You are incredibly strong to be able to jump back into this process. FX that 2nd round is what gets you your sticky baby!
@Kelli_Deluxe: That is such an honor for your friend to invite you into her birthing room. I'm sorry you have the roller coaster emotions. I was feeling the same way as I was playing with my friend's rainbow baby when I visited them on vacation.
It was so great to be gone and not thinking of work or TTC necessarily. We had fun and made sure to pack in a lot of outdoor activities followed by pampering ourselves with massages at the hotel. I definitely got my fill of tuna poke with limu and shaved ice with lilikoi (passion fruit), li hing mui, and guava syrups. My favorite summer desserts would be fruit tarts, strawberries, blueberries, and white peaches, gelato (either rainbow or raspberry sorbet as well), and shaved ice! I have a follow up phone consult with my RE on Thursday to discuss what our next step will be. DH and I had such a great time on vacation and we even talked about how not being on medications helped us really relax and enjoy one another rather than having to worry about which days we needed to BD. I talked to DH and we're going to let our RE know that we would like to avoid clomid if possible given how horrible the side effects were this past cycle.
kiwi / 636 posts
Faithfertility: Due Date 12/17, saw heartbeat 5/1!
Bhbee: saw heartbeat 5/22!
Catchafallingstar: EDD 1/15/15
EmilyE: BFP 5/12, saw sac on 5/20, beta #1: 79, beta #2: 226, beta#3
Happygal: BFP 5/15 beta #1: 36, beta #2: 238
PastaAndPotato: BFP beta #1: 9.4, beta #2: 151, beta #3: 456!
MrsTal: EDD: 2/7, Beta#1: 26, Beta #2: 89
Hanging Out
Mrs. Polish: 6 month wait list for new doctor
LindsayInNY: TTC "unmedicated" cycle
Mrs. Piñata: using some essential oils and Vitex; seeing chiropractor and Naturopath; taking break for a few months
lazypanda: unmedicated cycle
PurplePumps: Letrozole cycle, CD11 u/s (16.8 follie), IUI 6/23, Beta 7/7
alohaorchid: new RE appt in June
MrsWin: baseline u/s on 7/6, start stims on 7/11
Jenn23: IVF in late July
FliegepilzHut: ER on 6/29, 17 eggs!, 14 embryos!
Mrs. Bunchy: HSG 6/18--> done & good info obtained
Boopers: 7/8 u/s and WTF consult 7/15
CupQuakeWalk: starting month 1 of new plan - Synthroid, clomid, estrogen, monitoring and TI
GreenThumb: IVF transfer 7/15
Shutterbug: waiting for results
Just_Ju: moving onto IVF in the fall (yay insurance!)
Macintosh: IVF consult on 7/9
lazypanda: 7/3 WTF phone consult
TTCbabyP: 2nd round of clomid
babycanuck: HSG 6/19, new fertility clinic; 7/2 endometrial biopsy
bluestripedbee: Femara, CD9 u/s 7/2, IUI on or before 7/4
Life & Updates
BhBee: new house, new car, and new life in Texas
alohaorchid: brand new house being built, new job?
doxielove: house hunting in the fall
Warbler: looking for new job
LindsayinNY: family vacation in July!
Sunshine1810: new golden puppy Isis!
Boopers: new job!
Kelli_Deluxe: approved to transfer housing!
FaithFertility: graduated from RE clinic!
TheSwissWifeStyle: getting new tattoo of koi and lotus
owlteach: Europe 2016 with students
Macintosh: bought a house and moving in July!
lazypanda: Yosemite in the fall
Mrs.Bunchy: new SUV
bluestripedbee: Disney World in August!
persimmon / 1479 posts
@Kelli_Deluxe: I'm so sorry Wow, that must have been tough. IF is such a crazy emotional journey
It's always hard being around people who are experiencing the very thing you want so, so, so hard.
@lazypanda: HSG will likely be sometime next week, I need to call and schedule later today. AF came today I have to admit I was (unrealistically) hoping that this might be the month even though we haven't done any treatments or anything yet. Oh well.
nectarine / 2705 posts
@Kelli_Deluxe: Hugs! What a good friend you are to follow through on your promise. Take the time you need to nurture yourself now.
grape / 78 posts
Hey there,
Thought I'd join in on this too I'm currently passing the time till my lap op on 16-07 and then our first IVF appt on the 29-07. The waiting game of infertility
nectarine / 2433 posts
@Kelli_Deluxe: I admire your ability to be there for your friend while she had her baby, I don't know if I would have had the same grace you did.
@Robyn_ZA: Welcome! There is a great group of ladies here and we use our weekly threads to keep up with what everyone is up to. I had a lap in Jan 2013, the actual procedure wasn't that bad but the shoulder pain (from the trapped gas) was excruciating! I recommend a heat pack to use on your shoulder
@lazypanda: Sounds like you had a great trip! I'm glad you and your DH are feeling refreshed I used Femera for 4 cycles and was really happy with that, have you used it before?
kiwi / 636 posts
@Robyn_ZA: welcome!
@winter_wonder: the HSG was really quick. There's a thread with many of our experiences of you want to prep yourself for the procedure.
@mrswin: that was the first fertility meds my RE prescribed and I did not ovulate on the 5 or 7.5 mg dosages. We may have to look at injectables if I don't go back to clomid. Although my secret wish (well not so secret now) is that this break leads us to a BFP. Two of my friends who have shared their IF experience with me got their BFPs during a medication break. I know the chances are slim but at least I'm being hopeful rather than the doom and gloom feelings I had in the last clomid cycle.
@babycanuck: good luck with the biopsy today!
pomegranate / 3105 posts
My biopsy is done and next week I start diagnostic daily testing when I go in I should be able to book my appointment TBD for results
nectarine / 2433 posts
@lazypanda: I thought I remembered that but then wasn't sure. I hope you get a "vacation" BFP and you don't need to concern yourself with meds!
nectarine / 2433 posts
@babycanuck: Glad your all done with the biopsy, hopefully it was relatively easy, things are moving right along for you it seems!
pomegranate / 3105 posts
@mrswin: Yep! The biopsy was actually way better than the HSG. Hubs went and did all of his tests today, complaining and all, but he did it. I can't wait to be violated every day in my next cycle lol I've never been so happy to see a doctor.
bananas / 9229 posts
HB isn't blocked at work anymore - woo!
DH's genetic results (part 2) FINALLY came back and he is NOT a carrier! Best news EVER! If necessary, we can move forward with IUI next cycle (finally!).
pomegranate / 3533 posts
@LindsayInNY: Yay!!! That's wonderful news!
@babycanuck: I'm so glad you guys are making such great strides (and that your EMB wasn't bad)!
@Robyn_ZA: FX for your lap and upcoming IVF attempt!!!
@lazypanda: What a great (and delicious!) trip! I love all of those summer fruits...and especially the gelato & sorbetto! Good luck for your WTF appt and fingers crossed for a surprise! I have 2 pairs of bright, pretty socks left (I've been "rationing")-- one of which on reserve for my transfer on Friday!
Good update today-- we have 12 happy embryos so far and 2 that are "lagging" a bit behind. Looking forward to Friday!
apricot / 390 posts
@lazypanda: Sounds like you had an awesome vacay, I'm so glad that you and DH were able to spend some quality time together
@winter_wonder: So sorry, I just started my period after my first cycle post lap. I started on day 21 and it was crushing
@Robyn_ZA: Good luck with your lap! I just had one on 5/22, feel free to ask any questions!
@babycanuck: Awesome, sounds like you're moving in the right direction
@LindsayInNY: Wahoo, good luck with the IUI!
@FliegepilzHut: You're getting sooo close and 12 embies is so great
update: I just started my period after only 21 days I'm pretty bummed. I felt really good for about 2 1/2 weeks post lap, but after my first period the chronic pain and nausea were back, not as severe but back. I just called the OB, and was told to just wait a few more months and monitor my cycles. I am getting SO fed up being told to wait. I knew something was wrong, but I was told to wait until a year had passed...then I ended up finding out that my ovaries were fused to my pelvic wall. Now, I'm having crazy cycles, and I'm being told that because I have ovulated before (once confirmed by this dr) that I will probably ovulate again soon. It may be time to bite the bullet and travel the 4+ hours for a wtf apt with an RE
pomegranate / 3533 posts
@owlteach: I'm so sorry! That's so frustrating...and sounds miserably painful. I think it would be very much worthwhile to go see an RE (I had the choice of driving between 3-5.5 hours for mine)! Do you mind reminding me what region or state you are in? Thank you for your support!
pomegranate / 3533 posts
@owlteach: If you possibly can, do. I don't know anything about the clinics up there (maybe other Bees would?), but I bet you have some great options.
nectarine / 2433 posts
@owlteach: I'm so sorry. I will say though that my pain came back after my lap as well. Like you it is not as severe as it used to be but back The RE said this is normal for some and since endo is an on-going issue it is never really gone.
persimmon / 1479 posts
@lazypanda: I will be reading and re-reading it like crazy until next week!!! I'm also wishing you with a
during your med break!
@owlteach: I'm sorry about AF I hope you get some answers at your next appointment with your RE.
apricot / 390 posts
@mrswin: I knew it was Definately a possibility....im just frustrated because the current dr is doing nothing for the pain OR the if...and im not willing to just wait, miserable, unless we know that weve got a shot when signa are saying we probably dont.
blogger / pear / 1563 posts
@owlteach: Ugh. I'm so sorry. Having a short cycle is the pits! I hope you can make it to an RE. That's so annoying how far away they are!
blogger / pear / 1563 posts
@Kelli_Deluxe: Wow! You're such a good friend! I also don't think I could have handled that with grace and would have been a blubbering mess the whole time!
apricot / 288 posts
@FliegepilzHut: @Mrs. Pinata: @mrswin: @sweetooth: @winter_wonder: @lazypanda: Thank you for your kind words, ladies! I'm feeling a bit better today and trying not to dwell
@lazypanda: I'm sooooo jealous of your vacation!! It sounds perfect! So glad you & DH had a great break!
@Robyn_ZA: Welcome!
@owlteach: I agree; it's time to see an RE. OB's can only do so much, but it sounds incredibly frustrating for you not to be making headway. I hope you're able to make it work!
@FliegepilzHut: Ahhhh!! Still a great number of embabies! I'm sorry if you already said--will you be transferring 1 or 2?
@LindsayInNY: Yayyyy!! We've missed you! I'm so happy for you that DH isn't a carrier; awesome news!
@babycanuck: Glad everything is moving right along!
@winter_wonder: It sounds like July is going to be an eventful month on the IF front for you guys!! I'll be thinking of you! The HSG def sucked but once it's over, it's over!
@bluestriped bee: Good luck with your iui!
Updates for me: I get to see my DH this weekend! He has a long weekend from work and I'm super excited! Not to mention it's been 108* all week here so San Diego is going to feel like heaven.
On the IF front, I'm still just hanging out. I added a couple supplements to my regimen. As of right now it looks like I'll be with DH during my fertile window in Sept right before he deploys. If we aren't successful then with clomid & TI, I'll start inseminating in Oct.
hostess / wonderful apple seed / 16729 posts
Whoa! Sorry, I'll have to catch up on this thread. I have to read through the last 2 pages. I'll do that tonight or tomorrow.
My update. I had my day 9 ultrasound today and follicles and lining looks good. I had bloodwork done and they checked my estrogen levels since I had that one enlarged follicle. Just got the email that said I can go ahead and trigger tonight! So my IUI is scheduled for tomorrow and Friday. FX cycle 24 is a good one! Should be POAS around July 17th!
kiwi / 636 posts
Faithfertility: Due Date 12/17, saw heartbeat 5/1!
Bhbee: saw heartbeat 5/22!
Catchafallingstar: EDD 1/15/15
EmilyE: BFP 5/12, saw sac on 5/20, beta #1: 79, beta #2: 226, beta#3
Happygal: BFP 5/15 beta #1: 36, beta #2: 238
PastaAndPotato: BFP beta #1: 9.4, beta #2: 151, beta #3: 456!
MrsTal: EDD: 2/7, Beta#1: 26, Beta #2: 89
Hanging Out
Mrs. Polish: 6 month wait list for new doctor
LindsayInNY: TTC "unmedicated" cycle; may move onto IUI for next cycle
Mrs. Piñata: using some essential oils and Vitex; seeing chiropractor and Naturopath; taking break for a few months
lazypanda: unmedicated cycle
PurplePumps: Letrozole cycle, CD11 u/s (16.8 follie), IUI 6/23, Beta 7/7
alohaorchid: new RE appt in June
MrsWin: baseline u/s on 7/6, start stims on 7/11
Jenn23: IVF in late July
FliegepilzHut: ER on 6/29, 17 eggs!, 14 embryos!
Mrs. Bunchy: HSG 6/18--> done & good info obtained
Boopers: 7/8 u/s and WTF consult 7/15
CupQuakeWalk: starting month 1 of new plan - Synthroid, clomid, estrogen, monitoring and TI
GreenThumb: IVF transfer 7/15
Shutterbug: waiting for results
Just_Ju: moving onto IVF in the fall (yay insurance!)
Macintosh: IVF consult on 7/9
lazypanda: 7/3 WTF phone consult
TTCbabyP: 2nd round of clomid
babycanuck: starting daily u/s monitoring week of 7/7
bluestripedbee: Femara, CD9 u/s 7/2, trigger 7/2, IUI 7/3 & 7/4!, POAS 7/17
Robyn_ZA: lap on 7/16, IVF consult 7/29
Life & Updates
BhBee: new house, new car, and new life in Texas
alohaorchid: brand new house being built, new job?
doxielove: house hunting in the fall
Warbler: looking for new job
LindsayinNY: family vacation in July! DH not a carrier!
Sunshine1810: new golden puppy Isis!
Boopers: new job!
TheSwissWifeStyle: getting new tattoo of koi and lotus
owlteach: Europe 2016 with students
Macintosh: bought a house and moving in July!
lazypanda: Yosemite in the fall
Mrs.Bunchy: new SUV
bluestripedbee: Disney World in August!
Kelli_Deluxe: seeing DH during long weekend and in September during fertile window before deployment
@mrswin: @owlteach: @Kelli_Deluxe: @winter_wonder: Thanks! It was definitely a great trip. Too bad we couldn't go on vacation more often!
@LindsayInNY: yay for DH not being a carrier! I'm hoping you get your BFP from the creative ways you and your DH will come up with to have some private time during your trip this weekend!
@babycanuck: Yay for being done with the biopsy! Sounds like things are progressing nicely for you with the new fertility clinic.
@owlteach: I'm sorry your OB isn't helping you with the endo. I hope you will be able to get the help needed and suggestions from other bees about REs in your area.
@FliegepilzHut: yay for the lucky socks! Did you pick out your favorite color for the Friday reserved socks?
@bluestriped bee: yay for the update! FX that cycle 24 is it for you!
pomegranate / 3533 posts
@Kelli_Deluxe: They are apparently happy "in vitro"! We're thinking 2...but will take our dr.'s recommendations into account. I'm glad that you have such a good plan in place! Enjoy San Diego! FX for you these next few months!
@bluestriped bee: That sounds great! Wishing you lots of luck!!!
@lazypanda: But, of course! DH and I both favor the purple pair for transfer day!
hostess / wonderful apple seed / 16729 posts
@lazypanda: @FliegepilzHut: @sweetooth: @FaithFertility: @mrswin: Thank you!!
DH is suppose to drop off a sample today at 10a and my IUI is scheduled at 12.
persimmon / 1085 posts
@bluestriped bee: Good luck today!!!
@owlteach: I'm so sorry. One of my ovaries was attached to the wall a few years ago (found out during a lap to remove a cyst). I agree with those who suggested the RE. Sounds like the closest one is four hours away? That stinks!! I definitely think it would be worth going to one, though. Doesn't sound like your OB is the best one to deal with anymore. I hope you can figure out what to do next soon!
I hope everyone here has a nice holiday weekend!!
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