E is 14 weeks now and for the last few weeks has not been sleeping as well at night as he used to. He used to only wake up around 3am to eat, but now he's added a wake up at 11pm and sometimes around 5am. At first I attributed this to a growth spurt, but the spurt has passed and he's still waking up hungry at 11.
My MIL and SIL keep saying I should start feeding him cereal. My SIL gave her LO cereal at an insanely young age, we're talking between 1 and 2 months. Even the daycare teachers have suggested we try to feed him cereal. He is EBF now and I'd ideally like to wait on solids until he's 6mo and skip cereal altogether, I really think this sleep regression is just a phase. With all this outside influence I feel like I'm fighting a losing battle with DH though.
If you fed your LO cereal, when did you start? And did you do it to get them to sleep better at night?