What did you do (if anything) to help prevent wardrobe changes for you and LO?
DS is 2 months old, EBF, and has been spitting up a lot since about 6 weeks. We talked with our ped about it and she said it sounds like we have a "spitter" because he's gaining weight perfectly...he just spits up a lot. We've tried leaving him upright for 10-15 minutes after nursing but he usually pukes all over me while burping. I think I have an overactive letdown, which might be part of the issue. I have a bunch of Gerber prefolds that I use as burp cloths but it's usually pretty runny and gets all over DS's face and hands and then gets on me. I have some bibs, but I probably need more. He spits up at random so wearing a bib is probably best for him, but I'm still being puked all over! Is there another burp cloth you found soaked better than the prefolds? Or covered you more?
I would like to leave the house without having to change or smelling like baby puke!
(Hopefully this is the best board...I wasn't sure where to put it!)