What kind of food do they serve?

I'm looking at the menu of one of the daycares in our town, and their menu is all over the place.

Some days they'll have baked oatmeal, fruit and milk for breakfast. Cool. But then other days they'll have a pop-tart for breakfast. Some days it'll be cucumber slices and water for a PM snack, other days it'll be a brownie and milk or Doritos/Fritos and fruit juice or Scooby-Doo fruit snacks.

The lunches all look decent, and I'm not positive that his class would be getting this meals...it's the only menu on the site, so I assume....

I'm not super strict about his food, but I do try to avoid sweets and junk food. He's 17 months old, he doesn't need that yet.

Of course if I wasn't happy with a meal or snack I'd send him in with one, just wondering if these sort of meals are standard?