My 11 week old baby stated day care this week, and she won't take a bottle from the day care workers. She's breastfed and they are feeding her pumped milk. My mom is the only one she's ever taken a bottle from well. DH normally has to fight with her to get her to take even a half ounce. I was hoping as she got used to the day care workers she would take a bottle but she normally comes home having eaten only a couple of ounces all day, and she was eating way more than that when I was feeding her. She screams and cries and tries to push the bottle away. It feels like we have tried every trick to make her use a bottle and she just won't. Did anyone else have this problem? Do you have any tips? Do I just need to be patient and keep making her bottles to try at home? How long did it take your baby to adjust to a bottle if they struggled at first?