GOLD / coconut / 8266 posts
@mrsmate: Not sure of the odds but I transferred two and did end up pregnant with twins. We lost one baby at 9 weeks to Vanishing Twin Syndrome. I think the odds depend on a lot of factors. But twins were uncommon in my RE's practice. The staff was excited!
honeydew / 7916 posts
@swedishfish: I wonder what makes twins more or less common in a practice - they're so common at my clinic that the twin rate for <35 is over 50%!
persimmon / 1081 posts
@swedishfish: vanishing twin syndrome?! Never heard of it. One twin just disappears, just like that?
GOLD / coconut / 8266 posts
@mrsmate: yes, it's more common than people think to lose a twin. I didn't know about it before my IVF cycle.
@spaniellove: I think my RE is of the mindset that the best pregnancy is a singleton. I would've liked twins though. Two babies for one pregnancy!
kiwi / 589 posts
@spaniellove: mine came from the same pharmacy where I ordered all of my medication. I don't know why they didn't start me on it to begin with, I read that many women have a reaction to the sesame oil.
kiwi / 589 posts
@swedishfish: I transferred two as well and was pregnant with twins. One never really developed, when we saw the heartbeat at 6 weeks, it was measuring a few days behind, by 9 weeks it had stopped developing. the clinic told me it was very common for this to happen
GOLD / coconut / 8266 posts
@brady80: I think the fact that there was a visible heartbeat for a few weeks was what made the loss harder for me to accept. But the baby we lost was definitely measuring behind the other.
honeydew / 7916 posts
Argh, got the bill. Nothing unexpected but who likes seeing numbers like that?
grapefruit / 4110 posts
@swedishfish: or FET is 1/4 of the price of a full cycle. We do estrogen patches (I will probably do oral because of an adhesive allergy) and progesterone shots. Because I reacted last time, we are going to start with olive oil. Now we wait for summer because that's when we are doing it. For me the knowing we are doing it and the waiting is the worst.
pomelo / 5041 posts
@spaniellove: Bill for just the IUI stuff you already did or the bill for upcoming IVF? We had to pay at each time of service (because nothing is covered by insurance) and it was really hard to see how much money we were going through so fast.
pomelo / 5041 posts
@spaniellove: Do they make you pay up front? Did you guys have that money saved already? Or is it covered in part by insurance?
honeydew / 7916 posts
@marionberry: No, not covered at all, and it's all due on or before the first day of stims. Plus the meds are at least a few thousand dollars a cycle.
pomelo / 5041 posts
@spaniellove: Idk how you do it. We'd have to either work with a medical loan program or get a personal loan from my parents to make that work. It was hard for us just to pay the $2000 for the IUI right away. So you have only a few weeks to get the money together right? Well I guess in the end, your baby is worth whatever it costs. I can't wait for you to be pregnant. People don't talk as much as me on the pregnant boards, lol.
honeydew / 7916 posts
Had my trial transfer today...why do they always promise it's as easy as an IUI? When I had my HSG I went in prepared for pain, since years ago I tried to get an IUD and couldn't because of the horrible pain and nausea. But the HSG and IUI turned out to be really easy so I started letting my guard down. The dr kept trying different catheters, and decided to use a more rigid catheter which made me yell out in pain - it really hurt! He said the problem was that my cervix was at an angle. I wish they'd give me some kind of painkillers for the ET because I don't want to be going through that on the day of!
honeydew / 7916 posts
I have a question for anyone who's been through IVF already...was it normal or even okay to spot just after ET? I'm worried because of how much dark spotting I had after the trial transfer (TMI - with clotty bits) and am wondering how on earth an embryo could make it in conditions like that.
pear / 1723 posts
@spaniellove: I don't think it happened with my ET, but I did have some light spotting after one or two of my IUIs. I think it's from irritation/trauma to the cervix, rather than coming from inside your uterus. But mine was pretty pinkish and more watery, no clots. If it's dark and clotty, I suppose it might be coming from your uterus. Can you check in with a nurse/coordinator? Sorry your trial transfer was so traumatic I know many clinics will give you some sort of relaxant for the transfer, so you might ask about it!
persimmon / 1085 posts
I don't remember having spotting after the embryo transfer, but as MerryC said, I think that can happen pretty easily from the cervix getting irritated. Sorry you had pain! Hopefully, you don't on the day of the real transfer! Good luck!
honeydew / 7916 posts
@MerryC: @Jenn23: Thank you! It seems more like it's coming from my uterus...I had the lighter spotting after my IUI too. I'm a little embarrassed calling the IVF nurses about this so maybe I'll wait until the next time I talk to them? My dr told me not to "have relations" last night and I wanted to tell him not to worry!
persimmon / 1085 posts
Found this at the link below talking about embyyo transfers and spotting afterwards!
And during the transfer your doctor probably used a speculum so he/she could visualize your cervix, then the catheter had to pass through the cervix, and then the catheter may have irritated a tiny bit of the lining.
apricot / 483 posts
hey girls, just wanted to introduce myself here and join in the chat!
the husband and i met with the fertility dr on friday (sidebar, i really liked the office, staff and dr - very easy to talk to, ask questions of, and had lots of patience) - they told us that IVF is really our best and only option, that IUI wouldn't be a likely success for us because of how low DH's concentration is.
our insurance doesn't cover IVF, but i'm looking into one of those financing outfits today that the dr gave us info for and that works closely with the hospital. feeling tenatively optimistic, and eager to get moving forward now that we know what we need to do
so, i just wanted to introduce myself, and wish everyone luck who is in the middle (towards the end!) of some of the steps now - reading up to learn more about it, and look forward to chatting with you guys
honeydew / 7916 posts
@PastaAndPotato: Welcome! I'm so glad to hear you liked the clinic! Do you know if your insurance covers anything besides the IVF procedure, like the testing beforehand? That in itself can be a huge help. Best of luck as you start your IVF journey!
honeydew / 7916 posts
I ended up having to re-do the trial transfer dr wasn't sure the catheter went in all the way, and decided to do it again with ultrasound. Fortunately they saw it go in this time, because if it didn't work again they were going to do a hysteroscopy! Which I didn't want just before an IVF cycle, or even worse to have to push back the cycle. So we're all set this time for sure. And they're going to give me Valium for the real transfer.
How is everyone else doing, especially those of you who are about to start your IVF cycle? What are you doing to stay relaxed?
@Jenn23: Thank you for that link! Now that they've done the trial transfer the right way I have a better idea of how much cramping I should have (not much) and what the spotting should look like (definitely not as dark as it was last time).
honeydew / 7968 posts
Good luck, everyone! Not sure what the % is, but we transferred 2 and now have almost 10 mo old kids. I don't think I had any spotting, but I think I was crampy.... I didn't do a test run either, that's interesting.
I think the most painful part of the transfer was to hold my pee. I was literally dying. Literally! Lol.
pear / 1531 posts
@PastaAndPotato: Welcome to the group!
@Spaniellove: Sorry the trial transfer became an ordeal, but glad it it worked out in the end.
@Tequiero21: Oh my! I am so not okay with holding my pee. I will have to practice that. Lol.
About two weeks to go before my cycle. I am nervous/excited. I know I can do the needles, since I did them for an IUI cycle and they weren't bad at all. As far as relaxing, we are headed to Mexico with friends for a long weekend! Can't wait to be warm. I am also under the gun on something at work, so have been focusing on that rather than infertility. Also have been working out a lot. I think the worst part for me about the treatment process is the exercise restrictions (not counting the emotional stress of it all of course). Not looking forward to that since it is my stress reliever.
apricot / 483 posts
@spaniellove: thanks! our insurance will cover some of the preliminary stuff, like the ultrasounds and blood work, and i'm trying to find out if our prescription plan will cover any or all of the medications - fingers crossed. how are you feeling after the trial transfer?
@tequiero21: was your IVF successful your first attempt? we've been talking about transferring 2, and i was wondering how your experience was with that
@raintreebee: thank you, and good luck! so exciting to be getting so close to starting the cycle - the long weekend in mexico sounds fantastic and relaxing, enjoy it!
honeydew / 7916 posts
@PastaAndPotato: I hope they end up covering the meds! That would be so helpful! If not, even having the preliminary tests and bloodwork is a huge help.
After the second trial transfer I had almost as many days of spotting, although it was lighter this time. I'm glad I got a second chance to figure out what to expect since they did it around O and just after the z-pak (apparently they make me take it twice). I'm not sure if I had a reaction from my latex allergy or a yeast infection from the antibiotics, but something was going on so now I know, and have strong probiotics on hand! Plus I'll be taking Medrol around ET which should handle the allergic reaction.
My start date is looking more like 2/7-8, which I can't believe is next week! @raintreebee and @derevival, it will be here before you know it! @mrsmate how did your appointment go? Did they give you a date?
honeydew / 7968 posts
@PastaAndPotato: yup! First attempt was successful. We put in 2 because we wanted to give us more of a chance for success, and both stuck. Except for yucky morning sickness, I went thru a fairly easy pregnancy. I gained about 35 lbs, went into labor but ended w c-sec at 38.5 weeks. Both babies healthy over 6lbs...
Good luck! Exciting to finally do something about it, right?
persimmon / 1085 posts
@spaniellove: Good luck starting next week!! Fingers crossed for you! Just so you know, I also transfered two (on Day 5) and one stuck. We were totally fine with twins, though. We would have transferred 3 embies if we had done a Day 3 transfer. But two is the max for Day 5, so we went with that. Ours was all out of pocket like yours! I can so relate with getting that bill! Ouch! Let me know if you have any other questions. And I also agree that the most painful part was holding the pee! I've never had to pee so much in my life. But it is totally worth it!! They made me lay there for 20 minutes or so, then I was able to go pee!
honeydew / 7916 posts
@Jenn23: Thank you! Time sure seems to be draaaaagggging in this last week before starting stims, sigh.
apricot / 483 posts
@tequiero21: thats so fantastic, and definitely inspirational - thank you!
@spaniellove: your start date is closing in! good luck, keeping my fingers crossed for you!
honeydew / 7916 posts
How are you guys doing @raintreebee @mrsmate and @derevival? Have you started your cycle or are you about to?
A lot of this was already posted in the infertility thread, so sorry if I'm boring you. I had my CD2 bloodwork and ultrasound today. They decided to start me on 225iu each of Menopur and Bravelle which was more than I expected, partly because I didn't order enough and because I'm afraid of OHSS. My E2 rose pretty quickly last time I did injectibles at half that dosage. So I'll start tomorrow and go back Wednesday.
And I have never seen that office so crowded! We got there 8 minutes after they opened and already there were several couples ahead of us, which I'd never seen.
@PastaAndPotato: Thank you so much!
honeydew / 7916 posts
Help...! Those of you who've been through this before, how early into stims did your ovaries start hurting? After one night of injections, my ovaries already hurt as much as they did at the end of my injections last treatment cycle when I had lots of mature follicles. And I know they're still tiny at this point so how much worse does it get?
GOLD / coconut / 8266 posts
@spaniellove: Mine didn't really hurt till the end and it was only a slightly uncomfortable feeling. My doctor was surprised I didn't hurt more because he retrieved 17 eggs. They have you on high doses...did they explain why? I was 150 iu of Follistim and 1 vial of Menopur each night; it never changed. When's your next monitoring appointment? I would definitely mention something then.
honeydew / 7916 posts
@swedishfish: That's how I was with my IUI w/ injectibles cycle - it was only at the end, and when I went back at 7dpiui, the dr was surprised I wasn't feeling more because my ovaries were still huge. This time he said he was starting me on a high dose because I had such a low AFC again. My next appointment is on Wednesday, so I'll definitely mention this and try to find out what's going on with my E2. Thanks!
GOLD / coconut / 8266 posts
@spaniellove: I'm surprised your doctor changed protocol from your IUI injections if they worked well for you. My friend is beginning IVF #2 and her doctor (same practice I used, different doctor) told her he wasn't changing her protocol because he needed two cycles to get a clear picture of any issues. She only had four eggs retrieved though with IVF #1 so she's disappointed that her protocol isn't changing at all.
Are you bloated? Nausea? My concern with your ovaries hurting so much already is OHSS. If you're still hurting tomorrow you might want to call your IVF nurse and let her know.
pear / 1986 posts
@spaniellove: Definitely wishing you all the best with this cycle! I would definitely have them watch the E2 levels closely especially if you saw them increase quickly before. They may be starting you high and then bringing your med doses down as they go (that happened during my cycle). OHSS is not fun (I know) and I definitely feel like it compromised the success of cycle #1 for me. Be vigilant and ask a lot of questions and definitely let them know about anything you are feeling. They may recommend doing the egg retrieval but delaying an embryo transfer and doing FET at a later date instead if you are at risk of OHSS.
pear / 1531 posts
@Spaniellove: I am so sorry you are hurting. Drink lots of water to stave off OHSS. Although I think it would be strange for you to have signs of that already.
I am on cycle day 1 today so treatment is due to begin tomorrow. I am, however, waivering as to whether to go forward with it. I just got back from a work trip across the country, where I was stranded for several days due to the blizzard. And now have a cold and am totally exhausted and jet lagged. I have also been working like a dog to meet a deadline yesterday and have another one coming up that is going to cause stress for several weeks. And I am up for reappointment at school next week (around the time of ER). Emotionally, I thought I could handle it but I don't feel incredibly strong right now. And if I wait a month, the baby's birthdate would be between semesters (which would cause less problems work-wise) and ER/ET would fall over spring break. But I am so sick of always placing work first. I feel so short-sighted doing so. Ugh.
honeydew / 7916 posts
@swedishfish: I had a bit of bloating yesterday (I got upset that my favorite coat didn't fit at all before I realized how bloated I was) but it's gone today, so it must have been temporary. It seems like their strategy might to bring down my dosage as @GreenThumb mentioned if I'm responding well? Things are feeling a little better today now that I've learned to take it easy, and DH is taking over the heavy lifting and intense chores.
@raintreebee: It sounds like you've had an intense last few days! And you're probably still decompressing. I don't blame you for being unsure if you want one more thing on your plate right now. If you don't feel like you have very much to give right now, then it might be better to wait, because IVF does take a lot of your time and energy. And in the meantime maybe you can try to work in some time for you each day to make sure you're feeling good again by the time you start your IVF cycle.
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