Hellobee Boards


IVFers Chat

  1. GreenThumb

    pear / 1986 posts

    @derevival: @spaniellove: Yay! So happy for you both! Rest, relax and think happy thoughts!

  2. PastaAndPotato

    apricot / 483 posts

    @derevival: @spaniellove: so excited for you both!

  3. derevival

    apricot / 363 posts

  4. derevival

    apricot / 363 posts

    @spaniellove: I am going crazy wondering if my blastocyst implanted. I definitely don't feel pregnant, which is crazy since it's only 3 days past transfer. Do you feel different? How are you handling the 2ww?

  5. Shutterbug

    grapefruit / 4703 posts

    @derevival: hi! checking in... when's your beta? How are you feeling?

  6. tequiero21

    honeydew / 7968 posts

    @derevival: checking in too.... You should have had your beta, right? Wishing you the best....

  7. derevival

    apricot / 363 posts

    @tequiero21: I have my beta on the 12 at 8 AM. Thank you for checking up on me! I don't have a good feeling about it, but I'm hopeful and know we can do FET later.

  8. spaniellove

    honeydew / 7916 posts

    @derevival: Why do they make you do it so late? That seems like torture. Have you POAS yet? I'm wishing you all the best and keeping my fingers crossed that everything goes well.

  9. tequiero21

    honeydew / 7968 posts

    @derevival: didn't you get transferred on Saturday or Sunday? It does seem like a really long time to wait... I think it's normal to not feel good about it. After trying to get pregnant for so long and so many different ways, can't imagine anything working.... Good luck!

  10. derevival

    apricot / 363 posts

    @spaniellove: unfortunately, they set it up for 14 days after transfer. So, yeah, the wait has been hell. I have POAS and they've come back negative. Plus, I just have a feeling it didn't work. But, I am trying to stay positive and find comfort in knowing we committed to do it three times.

    We decided too that if it doesn't work we will get a Golden...

  11. swedishfish

    GOLD / coconut / 8266 posts

    @derevival: how many days past transfer are you? I didn't see a line at all until 6 days past transfer or 11 days past ER. You're not out until the beta says so.

    ETA - my beta was 16 days past ER.

  12. GreenThumb

    pear / 1986 posts

    @derevival: I didn't get a positive POAS with my FET until 8 days past transfer and my beta was the next day. I got a negative POAS on day 7 and I definitely thought it was over. But then the slight squinter on day 8. Hang in there!!!

  13. derevival

    apricot / 363 posts

    @greenthumb, @swedishfish: thanks for your suport!! My egg transfer was January 27. I don't have my beta until February 12; guess my RE does it a lot differently than when I've been reading on this site with the beta test. Yeah, I'm trying to stay hopeful...


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