If you have a child that's currently in kindergarten, what is their reading level? Sight words? Independent reading? If so, at what level?
And, what is expected of them, in terms of reading, from school?
If you have a child that's currently in kindergarten, what is their reading level? Sight words? Independent reading? If so, at what level?
And, what is expected of them, in terms of reading, from school?
eggplant / 11824 posts
My LO is in Kindergarten and can sound out her way through words pretty well and knows some sight words but not a ton. Definitely not independent reading. It’s hard for me to know exactly how many sight words she has because she has memorized many of her books, so it’s hard sometimes to decipher actual reading from simple memorization.
We just had our first parent/teacher conference this week and we talked about this exact question. At our school the expectation is that by the time they enter 1st grade they can read a simple, 3-line or so amount of text. The teacher made clear this was by start of 1st grade (meaning they don’t have to achieve it by end of Kinder). The example LO’s teacher gave was basically that by start of 1st grade they should be able to read: Bob likes cats. Cats have soft fur. Bob also likes dogs.
I will say that our school (public) sounds a lot more…..let’s say, relaxed….about things than some other schools. There has been no homework yet, the grading is very general (unless you are way behind or 1-grade year or more ahead in a subject, everyone gets the same grades) and the expectations are very reasonable.
cantaloupe / 6086 posts
We go to a fairly diverse public school and there is a huge range of reading abilities. My daughter is probably somewhere in the middle - she has lots of sight words and has already learned a lot to read simple things like bob books. But she definitely didn’t come in reading, though a few kids did. There was a post with a big list of kinder readiness a while ago but for us it was more things like comfort with letters, can write their name, etc. Reasonable stuff. I’ve heard from other moms most kids will be reading simple stuff by January.
persimmon / 1427 posts
My LO is in K.
What is expected of them:
- to know how to read by the end of the year.
- to learn sight words (which helps with reading ability)
- at school they are also working on reading comprehension, blends, etc.
LO learned sight words and how to read in preschool so she's ahead of most of her peers. She still needs some help depending on what she is reading, but she can mostly read on her own.
cantaloupe / 6086 posts
@yoursilverlining: this sounds very similar to our school! I can appreciate relaxed
wonderful pear / 26210 posts
My son's in first grade, but I sent him to kindergarten last year without being able to read and by this time last year, he had mastered the entire set of first and second marking period sight words and could read simple text with lots of word repetition. He could also distinguish between fiction/nonfiction, could tell the beginning/middle/end of the text, could tell you the setting and who the main characters were. That was a period of about 8 weeks.
I was stunned that he progressed so quickly, basically going from 0-60 in a matter of weeks. Literacy is a huge focus in my son's school. At orientation, the principal said that while talking is something that comes naturally to humans, reading isn't, so they devote a ton of time and effort to making sure everyone has the chance to develop the skill.
eggplant / 11824 posts
@bhbee: Yeah me too! It’s so interesting how varied schools are. A friend of mine’s son is in public school about half hour from us and they send home homework every day and I was like what the what?! as we haven’t gotten any.
grapefruit / 4800 posts
My daughter went to K last year. For some reason over Christmas break she made a big jump in being able to sound out words and read more independently. Talking to some other parents it seems like it's pretty common to have a big jump starting the 2nd half of the year.
pomegranate / 3595 posts
@pinkcupcake: we don’t have homework for K either.. My DD is not reading independently. One wrinkle for us is that she is in Spanish immersion so half her day is English and half is Spanish.
For Spanish they are working on all the letter sounds (because the sounds are always the same—so logical compared to English) and she has several words she can recognize.
For English they have a list of 20 sight words they should know by the end of the year (and I think 100 by end of grade 1) and she is recognizing a lot. I am seeing a lot of progress in terms of her interest level, guessing the word from the first letter, and general discussion of things like which friends have an “A that says ‘uh’ in their names. So that feels like progress?
wonderful clementine / 24134 posts
When my daughter was in public K, she started off not really reading, maybe a few sight words. The class was very diverse. The first quarter of the year was going back over each letter (how to write upper and lower properly and its letter sound). Then they started on sight words and blending the key sounds.
She was not really reading by the end of K. Basic Bob books she could struggle through and read them. But at the start of 1st grade she was reading just fine and on target.
pomegranate / 3127 posts
DS can read but usually messes up words he hasn't seen yet. He just goes "blablabla" when he gets to the really tough ones. The kids are "expected" to read something short four times a week, but the teacher doesn't care if they're reading or being read to.
@MamaCate: we're working on a second language too! Only we're doing it outside of school so it's much harder to find motivation I think I'll have to resort to something like scavenger hunts with little notes he has to read. At least the other classwork in K is super easy, so we can do a little extra at home.
pomegranate / 3595 posts
@Mama Bird: that sounds tricky! How is it going so far? The good thing about Spanish is that dh and I both speak it so we can recognize what she is saying. It was funny at the meet the teacher night when one of the parents asked about sight words for Spanish and the teacher had to explain that it wasn’t really a thing because the sounds are all the same!
pomegranate / 3127 posts
@MamaCate: it's very hit and miss! His pre-K group was bilingual and he was making great progress, but two months in public school, and he's claiming he "can't" read in our second language. I guess I'll keep trying to teach him for another couple of months, and if he really isn't interested I'll just let it go...
grapefruit / 4278 posts
E can read a few sight words and sound out very simple words (think cat, bird, mom). Twice a week he brings home very simple books that involve a lot of repetition that they have learned to "read" (memorized) in class that day and he is expected to read it to us several times that night. This has really built up his confidence and he likes to show off how he can "read"
I have the first set of BOB books in my amazon cart and think that he is probably at a level to be able to read those mostly independently. But he gets frustrated and loses interest in reading pretty quickly still.
papaya / 10560 posts
Our school district expectations are independent D by the end of the year. Most get to at least an independent C and an instructional D.
My own child (a young kinder), is currently on an independent B—so on track for an independent D by EOY. If he doesn’t get there, I’m okay with it! Reading is a tricky thing. As long as they have strong reading behaviors, that’s very important (can match 1:1, masters return sweep, has problem solving strategies when at a point of struggle). I
squash / 13199 posts
@pinkcupcake: DD is in Kindergarten. we had already taught her many sight words before she started. She comes home with a book each night and has to be able to read it. They assess them individually though. They also have a list of sight and basic words that they expect them to know by the end of the year
nectarine / 2964 posts
DS is in K. We have been so blessed as he's been reading for a while now. He can read independently and school has been giving him chapter books to take home. The thing we are working on now is I don't think he fully understands /comprehends what he is reading. He's also not good at telling stories and he couldn't independently tell you what is the beginning, middle and the end of the book he just read.
nectarine / 2085 posts
I'll answer for this time last year (I have records of what we did when because of home schooling):
What is their reading level? No idea, but he was working through the BOB series at that point, so it was fairly low. We were about 1/3 of the way through our primer.
Sight words? We did phonics and there were maybe 2 sight words total at that point. The primer we used had a very small number of sight words.
Independent reading? Nope, not then and not now. Until he's reading aloud from higher level texts (like novels) fluently with no mistakes and correct phrasing, I don't plan to give him much if any independent/silent reading for school work. He does some reading on his own for fun and I encourage that and help him out when he asks questions, but I feel like there's no way to effectively catch and address problems unless I hear what's happening in his head and we discuss the text afterwards.
persimmon / 1458 posts
My son is in K and can read some sight words but not independent reading at all. I am actually surprised at the amount of homework he has. His teacher sends home monthly activities and he has to choose at least 3 activities per week to do (for example last night it was holding ten pennies in one hand and 10 pieces of rice in the other and which weighs more) and then he has a packet of homework she sends in the beginning of the week and he can do it nightly or hand it in at the end of the week. The homework reinforces the lessons they do at school so practicing handwriting, recognizing sight words, cutting, pasting, coloring, rhyming activities.
eggplant / 11716 posts
My oldest is just 4 and in Pre-k, but I think this is an exciting thread. She's very interested in literacy related activities, but Indon't want her to lose interest, so we really try not to push. We picked up the Bob books the night before last and we've done the first 3--I was surprised DD could read them.
I'm thinking about making a word wall where we can add words DD learns so we can refer back to them so she doesn't forget them. But I don't know if that's overkill at her age. She probably knows just 20-30 words at this point, and she seems to grasp pre reading concepts like left-to-right. I don't know what else we should be reinforcing at home.
nectarine / 2085 posts
On the subject of reading levels: I've been looking up nearly all of the books my son reads across the various commonly-used scales (DRA, Lexile, Guided Reading Level, etc) and my conclusion is that they're not worth getting hung up on as long as the child is making steady progress. I feel like they're fairly imperfect measurements and the difference between for example, an "M" and a "P" book or an "18" and a "24" book is nothing to get worked up about. If you're looking for a very rough measure of approximately where things stand, they're fine, but if you're looking for granular detail or an exact ranking, they don't seem to be of much use.
Fortunately, it's easy to tell if progress is happening even without the labels from the scales--the books the child can read with minimal mistakes and good comprehension get increasingly more sophisticated in terms of language and content.
papaya / 10560 posts
@yellowbird: Generally, all books are leveled by lexile (text complexity) or level, which is the general level of text. Sometimes you'll hear this referred to as "DRA level," or "reading level." PreA is what is essentially a non-reader, and then reading levels go all the way up to level Z.
In our school district, students in kinder are supposed to be an independent D by EOY, 1st a J by EOY, 2nd an M, etc. Of course we want students to enjoy reading for pleasure, but at some point children have to be exposed to challenging texts and text of increasing difficulty (reading passages on state exams are usually written at a much higher level than grade level expectations).
An independent level is when a book is read totally independently with no help, and few errors are made in the text. It's also done on what is called a cold read, where the text has never been seen by the child before, so they are reading it for the first time. An instructional level is where the teacher can help and more errors can be made in the text.
A HUGE part of determining a level can't be where a child is just word calling (reading the words but can't tell you what they just read). I could write a super long post on comprehension, but that's for another time. Reading for meaning is also an essential part of good reading behaviors.
Sorry if I digressed some, but there is so much to learning and teaching reading I could go on and on!
papaya / 10560 posts
@Anagram: I don't think you would need to put up a word wall! You could put high-frequency words on an index card, hole punch each card, and put them on a ring and practice going through them. It would almost give you the same amount of bang for your buck as a word wall would at the point you're at. IF that's something you wanted to invest time in!
pineapple / 12566 posts
My son was in K last year. There was zero reading expectation at the beginning of the year, although there was an expectation that they knew all the letters. My son is educated in the French system, so they don’t do sight words at all, they do phonics since the vast majority of sounds follow the rules. Last year was an enormous building process starting from A. He had short reading homework nearly every day, each day building on the previous day. By mid year he could sound out any word whose phoneme he had studied. By the end of the year, reading homework was 3-4 paragraphs with words of varying complexity. I was very impressed by the whole process since he basically started at zero.
Now, 2 months into 1st grade they are still working on some of the more complex phonemes. When he reads aloud it’s much more fluent than before, but it’s still slow and plodding at times when there are bigger words that he’s unfamiliar with.
wonderful pear / 26210 posts
@matador84: Thanks for that, I was able to look up the reading levels on RAZ kids (the online app we use for reading material) and I am satisfied my son's reading at the right level for his ability.
I think the main issue is that we have reading assigned as homework, but I find it really difficult to procure enough material at the appropriate level.
apricot / 264 posts
My son is in kindergarten at a catholic school. He has math homework two nights a week which consist of worksheets. He gets 4 sight words on Monday which we are supposed to review every day. By this point, he has 50 total and knows about 40 really well. He doesn't fight the homework but sight words are a battle! Once a week, he has reader he needs to read and go over. He can recognize some of his sight words in these books. At our parent/teacher conference, we were told that each student progresses differently. At year end, some may read but not all. And complete reading is not expected by the end of Kindergarten.
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