LO is a late self feeder. He will be 1 next week (sob!) and just started feeding himself this week. Prior to feeding himself, we called him the dump truck because he would eat anything. Now, he will pretty much only eat Cheerios, puffs, and yogurt melts. I've been able to get him to eat a few bites of pancake, fruit, or meatball here and there, but he mostly just puts them in his mouth and then spits them out.

I worry that he's not eating enough (and not enough balance of foods) but he SCREAMS if he even sees a purée. He also cries and fights me if I try to feed him fruit or veggies.

What do I do? Just keep offering real food and let him eat snacks in the mean time? I've had better luck at restaurants but we can't eat out for every meal.

He does keep sneaking dog food. Apparently that tastes better than my cooking