K has been sleeping for longer stretches in the night & early morning which has been great! Except that I will wake up engorged and be spewing milk as soon as I unclasp my top!
Sometimes when I feel too engorged and she is still sleeping, I will hand express some milk. I'm scared to pump or express too much milk in case she is about to wake up and wants to nurse and then I'll be empty. At the same time, I worry if I don't keep pumping or nursing in that 3 hour timeframe that my milk supply will decrease.
I already feel like my milk supply has been decreasing in the past week and half. I stopped pumping when K was going through a growth spurt and I was feeding on demand.
Today I tried to pump just one side and only got one oz. The other day I tried to pump about an hour after I nursed and I got basically a few drops. During the daytime now I almost never feel very full or engorged. I am worried between the longer sleep stretches and stopping pumping, that I'm already producing less milk. Started taking Fenugreek tonight.
I still can't time her feeding, sometimes she'll want to nurse in 1.5 hrs, sometimes, it's more than 4 hrs! I'm always scared I won't have enough when she wants to nurse. When your LO started sleeping longer, did you pump in between? When did you do it?