Hellobee Boards


March POAS - Gettin' Lucky

  1. Winnie13

    kiwi / 501 posts

    @knittylady: I see it for sure!! What DPO are you?

  2. Winnie13

    kiwi / 501 posts

    @Makingbabyw: can't wait to see what your temps do today!!! 😊😊 Hoping it stays way up!

  3. JoJoGirl

    cantaloupe / 6206 posts

    @knittylady: I'm just stalking this thread... my first positive looked exactly like that this time! Keep testing!

  4. Umbreon

    clementine / 854 posts

    @LatteLove: Congratulations!

    @knittylady: I see something!!! Yay!!

    I'm about 4 dpo right now and my boobs hurt. I don't think it's a pregnancy symptom though because it's early, but also they were hurting a couple days ago as well. Maybe it just means ovulation happened and progestrone is high.

    Our timing SUCKED this cycle. FIL is visiting and DH feels uncomfortable doing stuff when his dad is home. I got home late on O day and was ready to 'get things done' and DH's friends show up unannounced to "party". I was so pissed off. So we only got two days in this cycle, the day I had the positive OPK, which I think was the day before O and the day after O. I know there's still a chance, but my hopes aren't high.

  5. delight

    pomelo / 5326 posts

    @Shizaz: you have a great chance still! Day before O is prime time!

  6. LatteLove

    apricot / 441 posts

    @Shizaz: you still have a great chance! As far as I can tell, I've gotten pregnant once from bd the day before O and once the day after!

  7. travellingbee

    hostess / papaya / 10219 posts

    @knittylady: that looks like a normal early bfp on a wondfo. Congrats!

  8. dragonsword

    cherry / 175 posts

    @LatteLove: NICE! Congratulations!!!
    @Shizaz: my boobs ached on and off early this month too, I thought it was all in my head because it was wayyy to early for symptoms. Hope you get your !!

  9. knittylady

    pomegranate / 3212 posts

    The problem is I'm only getting these squinters at night, and morning tests are pretty stark BFNs...

    That and cramps are making me doubtful. Just bought a pack of FRER's to test around noon as a last attempt, and then I'm gonna try to accept the arrival of AF as imminent.

    I do appreciate all the kind words and encouragement!

    @Shizaz: I think you're chances are still good this month! Hoping and praying for you!

  10. KT326

    pomegranate / 3438 posts

    @LatteLove: Congratulations!

    @Shizaz: Those are actually great days! Good luck!

    @knittylady: Good luck! With my first I got nothing in the morning, then a squinter in the afternoon.

  11. KT326

    pomegranate / 3438 posts

    I'm 8dpo today and I tested out my trigger over the weekend. I'm feeling pretty crampy right now and I'm just not feeling like this cycle was successful. The progesterone is making me crazy, my boobs hurt and I'm just a little over emotional.

    Hopefully the next couple days go by quickly!

  12. Umbreon

    clementine / 854 posts

    @delight: @LatteLove: @knittylady: @KT326:
    Thank you for the reassurance!! I'll try to be optimistic. I'd just feel better if we'd gotten more time in during the fertile time. I guess it does only take once though, and the times we did were good. Ah I hate the waiting game now.

    @dragonsword: Thank you! I hope it's a good sign!!

  13. delight

    pomelo / 5326 posts

    @Shizaz: we have never hit more than two days in a fertile window. It really does only take once. Good luck!
    @knittylady: really hoping it darkens up in the next few days. My wondfos took a few days to darken.

  14. walnutems

    cherry / 128 posts

    Well, AF was 6 days late but started today. This has been my longest cycle post d&c, 32 days, hopefully the next one won't be so long! On to the next one!

    Best of luck to everyone testing the rest of the month!

  15. LatteLove

    apricot / 441 posts

    @knittylady: my afternoons tests have been darker too! I didn't get my BFP until I had given up and was waiting on AF any second, so fingers are crossed for you!

  16. ottilie

    cherry / 143 posts

    @lattelove congratulations!

    AF finally arrived. I would be upset but at least it's good to know where I stand, so onto the next cycle!

    Good luck to everyone still in the tww

  17. Kmringo5

    pea / 10 posts

    Hello ladies! I'm new to posting on here but have been stalking the board. I'm currently 10 dpo, tested yesterday and got a BFN. Just waiting until AF is due on 3/19 to test again.

    Good luck to everyone testing!

  18. knittylady

    pomegranate / 3212 posts

    AF is here. I'm disappointed, but I guess it's good to know that I want to be pregnant. Silver linings? We weren't sure when to start trying for a third and I think this tww has helped me realize sooner might be better. So feeling deflated but trying to look at the silver linings over here.

    Good luck to everyone else!

  19. Winnie13

    kiwi / 501 posts

    @KT326: You're still early! You're not out yet!! I'm 4DPO. When did your trigger test out? I'm at 6DPT and still got a pretty strong Pos!

  20. Umbreon

    clementine / 854 posts

    @knittylady: I am so sorry to hear about AF. It is good to know how you really feel though, looking at the silver linings is good but I understand how disappointed you feel.

    @delight: Thank you! I hope we'll be lucky.

    @Kmringo5: Welcome!! I think you'll find everyone here to be super supportive. Good luck to you as well!

  21. Chillybear

    pomegranate / 3032 posts

    March POAS Dates

    14 - MRS. D
    15 - BABYPUGS
    22 - KT326
    23 - LML
    24 - WINNIE13
    26 - SHIZAZ

  22. Winnie13

    kiwi / 501 posts

    @knittylady: I'm so sorry! It's so disappointing and can be an emotional roller coaster! It's good to see the positive through the negative, though. That can be a hard thing to do.

  23. KT326

    pomegranate / 3438 posts

    @Winnie13: I know it is still early, today I am 9dpIUI which is when I got my super faint shadow of a positive with my first. I tested this morning and maybe there was a shadow of a line? But I think I was just getting my hopes up and imagining it. My trigger was out after 8 days. But I used Pregnyl so I don't know if that makes a difference.

  24. Winnie13

    kiwi / 501 posts

    @KT326: hoping you get a strong BFP tomorrow!! You may have just implanted later then you thought!

    I did Ovidrel and I've read it could take up to 10 days to get out of your system. We will see!

  25. Mrs. D

    pear / 1852 posts

    Two days of light brown spotting and a BFN..... I'm not hopeful that this isn't AF. We have now reached 6 cycles, will start our 7th cycle when AF hits tomorrow. Since I'm 36, time to make an appt with my OBGYN about secondary infertility and our options.

  26. LatteLove

    apricot / 441 posts

    @knittylady: I'm sorry :-(. it is surprising how disappointing it is to think you might be pregnant and not be. Wishing you all the best next cycle! xo

  27. JooJooBeans

    pea / 6 posts

    Just joining in... =)

    Cycle Day: 31
    TTC Cycle: 2
    Ovulation Date: 3/14?
    POAS Date: 3/28
    Baby #: 2
    What's up this month: Using OPKs, tracking CM. Tried to temp but got thrown off by traveling and my toddler's middle of the night antics
    For Fun - Are you feeling Lucky? yes!

  28. marley

    kiwi / 706 posts

    9dpo here and got a . I know it's early but I'm kind of tired of seeing the single line. I just don't know when to test again! Maybe I'll just wait?

  29. Kmringo5

    pea / 10 posts

    @Lattelove:congrats on your BFP!

    @knittylady: so sorry about AF's arrival.

    @shizaz: thanks for the welcome!

    @Mrs.D: I'll keep my fingers crossed for you.

    @joojoobeans: Welcome!

    Well I caved this morning and tested with an FRER test at 11dpo and it was a BFN. Really feel like I'm out this month but I'll pray AF doesn't come on Saturday (3/19).

    So excited to see more BFPs on here. to you ladies!

  30. Kmringo5

    pea / 10 posts

    @marley: 9dpo is really early still but I know it's so frustrating seeing :bfn:, I'll keep my fingers crossed you get your BFP soon.

  31. marley

    kiwi / 706 posts

    @Kmringo5: thank you! Fx for you too!

  32. LatteLove

    apricot / 441 posts

    @marley: it's SO hard to keep seeing BFNs! I would wait 3 days, if you can, before trying again. Seems like 12,13,14dpo is a much stronger chance of getting a BFP!

  33. marley

    kiwi / 706 posts

    @LatteLove: agree. Seriously considering just waiting for missed AF.

  34. Mrs. D

    pear / 1852 posts

    So AF came... on to another cycle

    Cycle Day: 1
    TTC Cycle: 7
    Ovulation Date: 29th?
    POAS Date: April 11th
    Baby #: 2
    What's up this month: I will continue drinking Green Tea to increase my CM. I'm going to start doing Youtube exercise videos everyday with DD. We're going to start with Just Dance, since I know she won't be bored, lol.
    For Fun - Are you feeling Lucky? Starting to feel depressed... However I will take it as a good sign that maybe our luck will change because for the first time in 6 months of trying as this is the first time I'm experiencing first day cramps since before BC.

  35. babypugs

    persimmon / 1101 posts

    I'm out. Good luck to the rest of you!

  36. Winnie13

    kiwi / 501 posts

    @Mrs. D: I'm sorry! It's disappointing! Glad you can see a positive through it all! Hoping you get your BFP this cycle! The workout videos sound fun!! Have you considered using preseed to help with CM?

  37. Winnie13

    kiwi / 501 posts

    @marley: You are still not out!! BFNs are very disheartening! If you can, wait! I'm already counting down the days until my 9DPO to test, though! The struggle is real!

  38. Kmringo5

    pea / 10 posts

    @Mrs. D: @babypugs: Sorry this month was not the one. I hope this next cycle brings you both luck.

  39. Mrs. D

    pear / 1852 posts

    @Winnie13: I"ve thought about it, but so many people who have mentioned using it saying they got ther BFP the cycle they didn't use it, lol. So I'm hoping that just how much wetter green tea helps me get will be enough. But I"m going to contact my OBGYN about our options since I"m 36 and we're moving into cycle 7. She may be able to suggest something.

  40. Mrs. D

    pear / 1852 posts

    @Kmringo5: thanks, me too!

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