I am just getting over 5/6 days of either the worst cold of my life or the flu. Yikes!! Starting to feel better now... I noticed when I was sick I thought my supply dipped a little, and now yesterday since I really feel like most of the mucus had left my head (and moved to my chest) it has really dropped! Yikes!!
It was bad last night and I nursed as long as I could but could tell he was frustrated and hungry - so I got the measly 2oz I had pumped yesterday morning and gave him that too. He still woke up earlier than normal starving.
So.... Anyone ha this happen? What can I do?
I am trying to drink a ton. Eating oatmeal. Nursing him as often as possible - almost every hour and a half yesterday. And I usually just pump once in the morning (4-5oz) but should I pump more??
Thanks!!!!! I hope none of you or your LOs get that nasty sickness!