LO is on Nutramigen for MSPI. She was a very fussy baby and had blood streaked stools at 12 weeks old. She was switched to Nutramigen and improved dramatically. She is now 8 months old and we have been doing purees for the past 2 months, just single fruits and veg, so no concern with MSPI. It seems like now her motor skills and interest in food have improved to the point where I would like to take more of a BLW approach. She is very interested in finger foods and has done well with chunks / strips of fruits and veggies in the past week.
Now I'm not sure how to go forwards with solids in terms of the MSPI. We do see a GI but she didn't want to give anything with any trace of dairy before 12 months. She wasn't really sure what to tell me about the soy because we don't know that DD has a soy intolerance, it's just assumed. I don't want to go against her recommendations for no reason, but it seems a little conservative.
MSPI mamas, I'd love to hear about your experiences with introducing solids! How long did LO stay soy / dairy free? Was it easy to tell if LO was reacting? DD is a fussy baby at baseline and unless she has obvious blood in her stool I'm going to be driving myself crazy wondering if she is reacting to something. Just hoping to gain some confidence from other people's experiences!