A few days ago I started to grow suspicious that my right breast was not filling up nor was it releasing any milk. I knew this because DS would fuss and cry and still be hungry after trying to work with it for 5-10mins. I confirmed it by pumping...NOTHING CAME OUT! I usually get at least 3oz on that side.
And the weird part is: I am not engorged on that side. I *feel* empty on that side as well. It isn't full and it isn't hard. It feels like it just finished a good feed.
I am really worried....I already don't have a huge supply as it is, but now I am only one sided?
And I am fearful as to what this might mean for the other side.
How do you suggest I get it back in business? Keep pumping? Nothing comes out when I do, but maybe the stimulation will help it.
DS won't suckle on it anymore...he is too frustrated and hungry to help me stimulate it.