So after an epic few weeks of drama we seem to have a good fit with a permanent nanny! She's really lovely and LO seems to like her enough and we're all getting to know each other's routines. But - we've never had a nanny before! She's hired through an agency, so we have a third party that handles billing/taxes/scheduling, etc. She's here 15-20 hours per week.

Any advice for long-term nanny situations? Like do I give her a key to the house? Provide food for her? What light housework is appropriate? When is it okay for her to take LO on walks outside? Anything you wish you had known or done differently?

Any and all advice would be great! We made it through the survival stage and are now trying to settle in. I must say that when I creep on the nanny cam from work and see her reading a book to LO, and then come home and there are no more dirty dishes in the sink, I could get used to this!!