I did a working interviewed yesterday with a nanny we are or were considering hiring. First off she was late. She got stuck behind a fender bender. Then she got lost... She didn't have much initiativeand did a lot of nervous chatter. I figured I'd give her an opportunity to redeem herself so I told her we were going to do a one week trial to see if she was a good fit for our home. today 30 minutes before she was supposed to show up she called in sick. She said she had an upset stomach and a low grade fever and didn't want to get the kids sick. She tried really hard to convince me that she was sick.she said she would come tomorrow. I told her to touch base Wednesday night and we'll see if maybe Thurs would be an option. I don't want any lingering sickness coming into my home.

Problem is both days something has come up. Her chance to redeem herself is very thin & a part of me wants to tell her not to come back. We did have an evening Nanny do a working interview last night & she was awesome! Im considering just using her & skipping the occasional day help. The point of having day help was so I can sleep more so I can spend some time with Dh when he gets home & so I can cover the night shift without being sleep deprived.

Soooo WWYD?