LO is 14.5 months old. We have her 15m checkup in a week and a half. And I just *know* that her pediatrician is going to get on us for still using a bottle. I need some advice, because everything out there is so conflicting.

Right now, LO drinks milk out of bottles & soft-spouted sippy cups. She also gets a bottle of water at bedtime or MOTN wakings to help soothe.

She will drink water from a straw cup and a hard-spouted sippy cup throughout the day, but she refused to drink milk from them.

My first reaction is to force the hard spouted sippy cup, since I feel like that would the easiest transition for her. But then I read those aren't good because they can potentially (though not necessarily) cause speech development issues. But, y'all, how do I get her to just use a straw cup when she is so used to the calming effect of the soft spouts and bottles? And I can't get her to use the 360 - I have no idea how to teach her to use it. Any tips on that would be great, too.

Any advice? What did you do? What did your pediatric dentists/pediatricians recommend?

I missed the memo on starting sippy cups and transitioning off the bottle early on, so we are behind the curve on this one.