I head back to work tomorrow morning after 10 weeks of maternity leave. I have been breastfeeding on demand and pumping in addition to build a small freezer stash (68 oz).
I am so nervous about how much to leave for my little one to eat tomorrow, nervous for what pumping at work will be like, etc. And super curious to find out how much I will produce in a day of work and if it will be enough! Also curious if the stress of work will affect my supply.
I work 9-5, mon- Friday. I live very close to work so for at least the first few weeks I plan on nursing on my lunch break. I am going to leave three bottle (3-4 oz each) for my mom tomorrow. And I plan on pumping twice at work around 10 am and 3 pm. I don't have a supportive or understanding boss so this should be interesting!!