
I stumbled upon this site while doing some research into the next step of our IF journey- injectibles/IUI. I found a lot of awesome posts here, so thought I would join. I haven't been a member of a message board before, so sorry if I am not doing something correctly or posting in the wrong place.

My husband and I have been TTC for almost 2.5 years now. I have had three early losses in that time. I do have two older children with my ex husband (long story- he was extremely abusive and I am SO BLESSED to have my current husband in my life.) My husband, I will call him Mr. Rice, wants more than anything to have a child with me. He loves my children as his own, but he wants to experience everything from the beginning, pregnancy, birth, newborn, all the good stuff he missed with my two kiddos. I have always imagined myself with a house full of the pitter patter of lots of little feet, and would have a dozen if I could. We tried for the first year and a half without any medical intervention. At that point, we decided to get some testing done to see if there were any answers for us. All of my tests came out to be normal, except for slightly elevated thyroid count. I am now on a low-dose medication to correct that and it is working well. Hubby's semen analysis was pretty good. As our RE said, not perfect but not bad at all. His count is high, morphology is low-end normal, motility is normal.

This past cycle was our first IUI. We had done 3 cycles with clomid and timed intercourse. This time around, we did clomid/trigger/IUI/progesterone suppositories. I am now 11DPO and got a negative this morning on an internet cheapie test. I know it is still early, but I really thought there would at least be a faint line if this worked.

Hubby is telling me to not stress so much, to let everything take its course, that it will work when it is meant to, yada yada. It honestly makes me want to strangle him a little- I feel so sad inside, guilty for not being able to get pregnant, guilty for WANTING another so badly when I feel I should be content with my two lovely kids... I just want to GET pregnant and STAY pregnant until a healthy baby, or babIES, are born. WHY IS THIS SO HARD?

Anyway, this is just my intro to you gals... if anyone has any advice or success stories to share, I would love to read it! Thanks for reading this far.