So... as many of you already know, we've been struggling trying to get Xander interested in solids. His first taste (sweet potato) was a DISASTER that made him HATE his high chair and the spoon with anything on it! The second attempt (pears) didn't go over any better. Finally I resorted back to rice cereal (something I thought I could skip) in the hopes that it tastes a lot of BM would entice him. No GO!

So FINALLY, this afternoon, I decide to try again. We tried last night and he didn't want anything to do with the rice cereal or the banana we gave him. But I figured I'd just try again today since I can do it in the afternoon. I ended up trying about 1.5 hours after he last ate, just because we were out and about.

I started with rice cereal and he just wouldn't open his mouth! He didn't want anything to do with it, so I ended up just giving him the spoon to play with. That made him happy, so I got out another spoon and decided to try again while he was playing. Nope! Now he had two spoons to play with. So then I decided to give him the other half of the banana from yesterday. I just put it on his tray and let him go to town. He ended up actually picking it up (last night, every time he even TOUCHED it, he looked disgusted and immediately pulled his hands away) and putting it to his mouth! He got a taste of banana and looked disgusted!! So he went back to playing with the spoons. Well, he seemed in a good mood, so I figured I'd try again with the rice cereal. He actually let me spoon it into his mouth!! He just let it all dribble back out, but every time I came out his mouth with the spoon again, he'd open his mouth again! SUCCESS! I don't know that he actually ATE any of it since most of it seemed to just end up dribbling down his chin, but he definitely wasn't mad at me! Once I ran out of the rice cereal (I had only made 1 tsp rice cereal w/ 3 tsp BM), I decided to let him just play with the banana some more. He ended up mashing it and got some in his mouth. And apparently he liked it! Because he kept grabbing pieces off the tray and sucking on them! WHAT!!! I'm so proud of my little man right now! I also offered him some water from the Zoli cup and he actually figured out how to sip it really quickly! He didn't seem thrilled with the water and most of it dribbled out, but I think he actually drank some. SUCCESS!!