Ok, so my 15 month old is becoming such a picky eater.

I started giving him finger foods very early on and he always ate a wide range of foods - He used to eat anything (even broccoli), now since he turned one he is so picky about stuff.

He refuses to eat any vegetable besides sweet potato. He used to love peas and broccoli, now he hates them.

He refuses any meat - occasionally he will eat chicken sausage. He also won't eat eggs anymore, he spits them out and makes a face.

He won't even eat pasta or rice!

He LOVES fruit. He will eat any kind of fruit.

Basically, his diet consists of pancakes/waffles, fruit, bread, peanut & almond butter, coconut yogurt, hummus (he loves garlic hummus), rice cakes, cheerios, and sweet potatoes.

I just get worried sometimes that he's not getting enough nutrients because he doesn't drink whole milk (he drinks almond milk) because of a dairy allergy.

And I'm running out of ideas on what to give him everyday. For lunch every day he either has peanut butter and "jelly"(puréed fruit), or peanut butter and banana sandwich. Occasionally he will eat turkey, hummus, and pita bread but depends on the day. A lot of times he spits the turkey out.

Anyone else's LO picky?!