The elementary school my son attends as a first grader sent out a notice that this company, Playworks, will be coming in "to help make recess safer and more fun." I looked around their website, and it took quite a bit to figure out what it actually is that they do, but it appears that they organize games and add structure and inclusiveness to recess. I can appreciate the inclusiveness aspect, but I really don't appreciate the part about forcing structure into recess. I found a parent FAQ page and I'm in total disagreement with like 90% of it. Students aren't encouraged to play their own imaginative games or within their own friend groups, they might be kicked off playground equipment if it's being used for a playworks game, they can't play ordinary games on the playground if not everyone can be included... they take over the whole recess!

So much of our kids lives are over structured... now recess too? Am I over-reacting? What do other parents think about this?

Playworks website:
FAQ page: