I've been able to get in one pumping session a day quite easily and starting to build a nice little stash. My question is that I'm getting about 2-3 oz. at a time right now (which seems to coincide with how much she should be getting per feeding). For the milk I want to freeze, I started combining into one bottle or bag, but it seems like SO much milk in one container. When I take it out to use it again, is it OK to thaw/defrost and just take out a few ounces, and then re-freeze? How much do you freeze in a container at a time? (I'm sure this changes with baby's age?)
I prefer to freeze in bottles just because our freezer drawers are SUCH a mess (especially with all the food our moms and people have been bringing over). I tried using the Lanisoh bags, but it seemed like a mess to freeze 2-4 oz. only in a big bag? And if I only freeze a small amount in a bottle, seems like a waste of space. I'm thinking of going to buy more of those skinny Medela tubes soon!
Any tips for this FTM? What do you do? Thanks!