pomegranate / 3983 posts
Mine was long ago, but I don't think I ever answered this thread...
1. How long ago was it? two and a half years
2. Was your section planned or unplanned? emergency due to fetal distress BUT we had recently diagnosed IUGR and saw on the ultrasound that the cord was wrapped 3 times around his neck, so the doctor knew and told us it was very probable
3. What kind of anesthetic is used? Epidural? Spinal
4. What did it feel like when they were doing the procedure? I don't remember really. I don't think I could feel anything, but I was too distracted from being wheeled into the OR with very frequent contractions and just trying to take everything in.
5. Did you watch? Did your SO? I did not. I asked DH to take pictures, so yes.
6. What direction is the section scar? (Where is it?) low transverse
7. Who held baby after it came out? they put him on my chest for a minute or two and then took him away
8. Who cut the cord? doctor
9. How long after the baby came out did it take for you to be stitched back up again? around 20 minutes. It was some method to leave a "pretty" scar...somebody else mentioned the correct term for it.
10. When did you get to hold your baby? 4 hours later (the waiting was the hardest part of the whole thing and honestly a bit traumatic for me)
11. How long did it take for your milk to come in? 5 days
12. What kind of pain medication was given to you afterwards…was it ok for breastfeeding? Did it feel like enough? Ibuprofen and percocet I think...I think they are safe but I've learned from experience that ibuprofen makes me lose my milk supply, so maybe that's part of why it took so long to come in. It was enough but I was definitely in pain that first week (although that could do with the fact that I was up and about A LOT, and probably should have rested more).
13. How long did it take for you to feel like you could easily get around on your own? We were released from the hospital on the second full day and I was walking, but it was hard to get up from the bed that first week.
14. What kind of stitches did they use? When did the stitches come out? The kind that dissolves with steri strips that were removed after a week.
15. How many nights did you have to stay in the hospital after your c-section? two nights; that's just the standard here if there are no complications
16. Did your baby room with you your entire stay? partially; they kept taking him away to the nursery for all the checks, bathing, etc
17. Do you have any ongoing problems from your c-section? no
18. How does your section scar feel now? I can't feel it at all (but could for the first several months)
19. Anything you’d like to add? Good luck!
grapefruit / 4442 posts
@Dandelion: not friends and family but nurses interns and doctors
watermelon / 14206 posts
@bunnylove08: oh ok. Well I guess I expect that. I'd be gappier knowing they're keeping a good eye on it.
watermelon / 14206 posts
I'm going to answer my own questions, now! I really hope this thread helps other moms facing a c section. Feel free to continue to add your stories.
1. How long ago was it? 17 days ago!
2. Was your section planned or unplanned? planned
3. What kind of anesthetic is used? Epidural? Spinal. It wasn't bad. Just one shot into my spine and i went numb right away from boobs down to my legs.
4. What did it feel like when they were doing the procedure? Mostly tugging. I also felt the nurse pushing on my belly while they were getting him out.
5. Did you watch? Did your SO? Nope.
6. What direction is the section scar? (Where is it?) bikini line, horizontal, very unnoticeable, even when I look right at myself in the mirror.
7. Who held baby after it came out? nurse and pediatrician, but they handed him over to DH as soon as they were done checking him out.
8. Who cut the cord? Dr, but DH got to trim it.
9. How long after the baby came out did it take for you to be stitched back up again? about 20 minutes.
10. When did you get to hold your baby? When I got back to my room, about 30 min after he was officially born.
11. How long did it take for your milk to come in? The next day!!
12. What kind of pain medication was given to you afterwards…was it ok for breastfeeding? Did it feel like enough? The first night they gave me too much meds. Made me feel super tired and I couldn't function. After that I went on Motrin only. I felt great with that.
13. How long did it take for you to feel like you could easily get around on your own? The next day. I was sore but functioning.
14. What kind of stitches did they use? When did the stitches come out? dissolving stitches on the inside, dermabond on the outside. Nothing needed removing. There's still some glue on my belly. I'm supposed to not peel at it and just let it wear off.
15. How many nights did you have to stay in the hospital after your c-section? 2. Had baby Monday morning and went home around lunchtime on Wed.
16. Did your baby room with you your entire stay? yep
17. Do you have any ongoing problems from your c-section? Nope. My dr did a great job. It's all healed up.
18. How does your section scar feel now? numb, and there's still some glue. But, it's sealed and healthy.
19. Anything you’d like to add? It was very surreal being in that OR. But, after it was over, I am extremely happy with making this choice. It's definitely nothing to be afraid of.
pea / 14 posts
I wanted to answer too!
1. How long ago was it?
About 4.5 months ago.
2. Was your section planned or unplanned?
unplanned--emergency csection
3. What kind of anesthetic is used? Epidural?
Spinal. It wasn't bad. Just the numbing stuff hurt.
4. What did it feel like when they were doing the procedure? Mostly tugging but never felt a whole lot of pressure.
5. Did you watch? Did your SO?
Nope. He would die!
6. What direction is the section scar? (Where is it?)
bikini line...very small and light already
7. Who held baby after it came out?
He was rushed to the NICU so we didn't get to hold him until almost 15 hours later.
8. Who cut the cord?
The doctor.
9. How long after the baby came out did it take for you to be stitched back up again?
Maybe 20-30 minutes.
10. When did you get to hold your baby?
Not for almost 15 hours...it sucked. But it was because he was only 3lbs 9oz and needed to be monitored for awhile.
11. How long did it take for your milk to come in?
About 3 days.
12. What kind of pain medication was given to you afterwards…was it ok for breastfeeding? Did it feel like enough?
Morphine fresh out of surgery and then about 12 hours later I had Norco and Motrin. After a couple days I was just taking Motrin.
13. How long did it take for you to feel like you could easily get around on your own?
The next day...it was painful and I moved slow but it was doable.
14. What kind of stitches did they use?
Dissolvable...and staples but those were removed before I left the hospital.
15. How many nights did you have to stay in the hospital after your c-section?
5...but that's because I had extremely high blood pressure that wouldn't normalize and they let me stay longer since my baby was in the NICU.
16. Did your baby room with you your entire stay?
17. Do you have any ongoing problems from your c-section? Nope.
18. How does your section scar feel now?
Numb and sometimes itchy.
19. Anything you’d like to add?
It was scary but overall it was a piece of cake. It's amazing how fast you recover after a major abdominal surgery.
papaya / 10343 posts
Adding my experience!
1. How long ago was it? 5.5 weeks
2. Was your section planned or unplanned? unplanned, baby got stuck so I had a c-section after 18 hrs of labor
3. What kind of anesthetic is used? Epidural? Epidural (I already had one from laboring, they just turned it up)
4. What did it feel like when they were doing the procedure? Not much of anything. I didn't even realize when they made the incisions. The only thing I felt was some tugging to get the baby out. She was sunny side up and crooked and so stuck it took 2 docs to pry her out. Not painful though.
5. Did you watch? Did your SO? Hell no.
6. What direction is the section scar? (Where is it?) Horizontal at the bikini line
7. Who held baby after it came out? They took her to get checked (in the OR still, but by a pediatrician on stand-by) because there was meconium in my water when it broke. Within 5 minutes they had her wrapped up and handed her to my husband, and about 5 minutes after that they unhooked one of my arms so that they could lay her on my chest (while I was still being stitched up) and I could hold her.
8. Who cut the cord? I assume a doctor did
9. How long after the baby came out did it take for you to be stitched back up again? Not sure... around 20-30 minutes I guess?
10. When did you get to hold your baby? Maybe 10 min after she was born. I was still in the OR getting stitched up, but the anesthesiologist (loved him) unhooked one of my arms and helped me hold her. It felt awkward and I was worried I would drop her but he assured me he wouldn't let that happen, and I was happy for the snuggle!
11. How long did it take for your milk to come in? Had the c-section Tuesday at 4:33am. My milk came in the next weekend-- I don't recall if it was Saturday or Sunday. So 4-5 days.
12. What kind of pain medication was given to you afterwards…was it ok for breastfeeding? Did it feel like enough? Just motrin and tylenol. They kept trying to give me oxycodone but I wasn't really in much pain (at my WORST in recovery I rated my pain a 3) so I didn't see the point.
13. How long did it take for you to feel like you could easily get around on your own? I was okay enough to use the bathroom without concern, take a shower, and do some laps around the hospital the day after. When I got home 3 days later I could do stairs and get up/down from the couch without any pain (although getting up was sometimes hard to accomplish).
14. What kind of stitches did they use? When did the stitches come out? staples. they were removed by my midwife on day 7
15. How many nights did you have to stay in the hospital after your c-section? 3. Had the baby Tuesday am, and went home Friday around lunch
16. Did your baby room with you your entire stay? yep
17. Do you have any ongoing problems from your c-section? Yes! My incision opened up after the staples were removed (same day, about an hour later). Half of it was open, and it was 4cm deep. So gross. I've been dealing with getting that healed now for the last 4.5 weeks. Probably another week or so until it is actually healed. Sigh.
18. How does your section scar feel now? The half that is closed is fine. No pain or anything. The half that is open still I get a twinge in every now and again.
19. Anything you’d like to add? If it wasn't for my c-section opening up I'd say that having a c-section was no big thing at all. I had very little pain after the procedure (less than a vag birth I'd imagine!) and was up and around very soon after. And I'm grateful I don't have any bathroom or vaginal issues to contend with now. But the incision opening did sort of traumatize me, even though it wasn't a huge deal medically (supposedly)... it's been really hard on me emotionally.
kiwi / 600 posts
Just a quick response to remind me to come back to this later. I've had 2 csections...my third will be this fall.
watermelon / 14206 posts
@ksommer: @Mae: @bunnylovesbear: thanks for adding!
12 weeks later and I can barely tell there's a scar. My gall bladder surgery left more obvious marks. Both surgeries were no big deal and I feel great now!
watermelon / 14206 posts
bumping in case anyone wants to add, or any expectant mothers need some peace of mind.
kiwi / 643 posts
I'll play!
I'm probably unusual, because I LOVED my C-section and the recovery was easier than other major surgeries.
1 How long ago was it?
19.5 months ago
2. Was your section planned or unplanned?
Planned...I was given the choice because I had twins
3. What kind of anesthetic is used? Epidural?
Spinal...you are numb to all pain below the chest, but you can still feel pressure and movement, if that makes sense.
4. What did it feel like when they were doing the procedure?
Tugging, pushing, pulling, etc. Honestly it was pretty uncomfortable. I'm definitely biting my lower lip in most of the OR pictures, haha.
5. Did you watch? Did your SO?
Oh god no.
6. What direction is the section scar? (Where is it?)
Side to side, below the bikini line.
7. Who held baby after it came out?
8. Who cut the cord?
The doctors
9. How long after the baby came out did it take for you to be stitched back up again?
30ish minutes after DD (Baby B) came out
10. When did you get to hold your baby?
They were held to my face so I could kiss them immediately, but I didn't hold them until we were in our hospital room.
11. How long did it take for your milk to come in?
3 days
12. What kind of pain medication was given to you afterwards…was it ok for breastfeeding? Did it feel like enough?
I had morphine and vicodin for the first 24 hours through an IV. Honestly the pain was really bad between 12-24 hours. That's when the drugs they gave me through the spinal wore off. It wasn't my favorite part. It was TOTALLY fine to breastfeed though! I was sent home with about 40 vicodin but only used it for about 5 days before I switched to ibuprofen. I love vicodin, don't get me wrong, but it was hard to focus on the babies and get up all night when I was so drugged!
13. How long did it take for you to feel like you could easily get around on your own?
3-4 days
14. What kind of stitches did they use? When did the stitches come out?
I had staples, then Steri-Tape. The staples came out before I left the hospital, then the tape fell off after about 7-10 days. My nurse had a great trick: wear a bulky maxi-pad over the scar (sticky side facing the panties). Otherwise the panties could definitely rub on the incision. (I hated the hospital-issue underwear so this allowed me to wear my own.)
15. How many nights did you have to stay in the hospital after your c-section?
2...I was offered a 3rd because of having twins, but the four of us wanted to come home!
16. Did your baby room with you your entire stay?
17. Do you have any ongoing problems from your c-section?
Nope! Sometimes the scar gets itchy.
18. How does your section scar feel now?
See above
19. Anything you’d like to add?
No matter what happens, you'll end up with a baby (or babies). It's gonna be okay
persimmon / 1129 posts
@Littlebit: Thought I would answer since you bumped this...
1. How long ago was it? 11 months
2. Was your section planned or unplanned? Planned. Baby girl flipped breech at 38.5 weeks.
3. What kind of anesthetic is used? Epidural? Spinal. I was totally numb from mid-chest down.
4. What did it feel like when they were doing the procedure? No pain at all. Some tugging during the actual cut and then a ton of pressure when my OB pulled her out. He warned me it was going to feel like he was sitting on my chest. Also, they keep the operating room SO cold! With my nervousness and the cold room, I had a bad case of the shakes going on. The anesthesiologist gave me something that helped that.
5. Did you watch? Did your SO? No way.
6. What direction is the section scar? (Where is it?) Horizontal along the bikini line. Low enough that I could theoretically wear a low cut bikini bottom ... if I ever wanted to do that again.
7. Who held baby after it came out? There was a doctor from the NICU in the room because our hospital's policy is that any baby born by c-section gets checked out real quick by a NICU doctor. Once they verified she was OK (maybe 2 or 3 minutes), they put her on my chest while they were stitching me up. I actually ended up asking my husband to hold her after a few minutes because with my pregnancy boobs and the drape and the cords and everything, it felt like she was laying on my neck and it was making me feel so hot and claustrophobic. He sat right next to me and held her so I could look at her and hold her little hand.
8. Who cut the cord? The doctor.
9. How long after the baby came out did it take for you to be stitched back up again? Maybe 20 minutes.
10. When did you get to hold your baby? Just a couple minutes after she was born. Like I said though, I ended up having my husband hold her while I was getting stitched up because there really wasn't room for her on my chest. After I was stitched up and they took the drape down, I got to snuggle her for real.
11. How long did it take for your milk to come in? A little under three days.
12. What kind of pain medication was given to you afterwards…was it ok for breastfeeding? Did it feel like enough? The spinal lasts for a little while, and the anesthesiologist gave me some pain meds in my IV. After that, I alternated Percocet and Ibuprofen. In the hospital they make sure you're comfortable. By one week post-surgery I had stopped taking the Percocet and I found the Ibuprofen was fine as long as I took it regularly. They'll make sure to give you meds that are fine for breastfeeding. I do think the Percocet made her extra sleepy, which wasn't necessarily a bad thing!
13. How long did it take for you to feel like you could easily get around on your own? Honestly the next day I was doing laps around the hospital. By the time we'd been home a week I was able to get around the house. Standing up from sitting and sitting up from laying down were the parts I had to be careful with. I think I drove a car at 3 weeks post-delivery.
14. What kind of stitches did they use? When did the stitches come out? I had dissolving stitches and these little strips of surgical tape. The tape all fell off within the first 2 weeks. I have no idea when the stitches dissolved but they did.
15. How many nights did you have to stay in the hospital after your c-section? 3. On that last day, we were free to stay as long as we wanted, but we went home ASAP.
16. Did your baby room with you your entire stay? Yes.
17. Do you have any ongoing problems from your c-section? Not at all.
18. How does your section scar feel now? It's hard to describe. Usually I don't feel it at all. But if there's pressure right on it, like if I'm laying on my stomach or if my daughter jumps on me, it just feels weird. Not painful, but sort of tender.
19. Anything you’d like to add? Even though it was much more clinical than the birth I imagined, my daughter's birth still felt so special. Having a c-section didn't take any of that away for me. On a practical standpoint, I was glad to have a Boppy pillow at the hospital. I could snuggle my daughter and keep her away from my stitches.
nectarine / 2932 posts
@My Only Sunshine: @Dandelion: I'm glad to hear that about the boppy! I was actually nervous it would irritate it, but I'm guessing if you have it high enough you don't have to worry about it.
My baby is breech (35 weeks) and so they've started mentioning a planned C-section at 39 weeks if he doesn't flip...so I'm trying to soak in as much as I can about C-sections!
watermelon / 14206 posts
@Littlebit: It's very surreal...but it's also not that bad at all. Especially when they're planned.
nectarine / 2932 posts
@Dandelion: this thread has really helped ease a lot of my fears! Thank you for starting it!
watermelon / 14206 posts
@Littlebit: It did for me, too...I felt more mentally prepared for mine.
watermelon / 14206 posts
bumping for anyone on here with worries! Feel free to add your experience, or ask any questions you have lingering.
apricot / 456 posts
I thought I answered this but I guess I didn't! Thanks for bumping.
1. How long ago was it?
January 28, 2014
2. Was your section planned or unplanned?
Unplanned. The baby's heart rate had low variability at my 40 week visit, so they induced me. After a little over 36 hours of labor at a maximum of 4 cm with the max dosage of pitocin and cervadil, the baby's heart rate began to drop and they did a c/s. It was the easiest part of the whole experience.
3. What kind of anesthetic is used? Epidural?
I asked for an epi about six hours before the c/s. Couldn't take it anymore!
4. What did it feel like when they were doing the procedure?
It took the whole team, including the anesthesiologist, to push and pull her out. She was tucked up really far inside of me (I barely showed my entire pregnancy). It felt like I had an immense weight on my stomach. Not painful, but uncomfortable. It seemed like it was hard to breathe. I also had a reaction to the anesthetic so I was shaking uncontrollably.
5. Did you watch? Did your SO?
Nope! Neither of us are squeamish about medical stuff--we even watch youtube videos of surgeries sometimes just for the fun of it--but neither of us wanted to see it done to me. Since my c/s I have seen surgeries on youtube and I think it's fascinating.
6. What direction is the section scar? (Where is it?)
Horizontal, just above my bikini line.
7. Who held baby after it came out?
My DH.
8. Who cut the cord?
9. How long after the baby came out did it take for you to be stitched back up again?
Not long...but I was still shaking pretty badly and my memory of that time is fuzzy.
10. When did you get to hold your baby?
They placed her near my head for me to look at immediately, before taking her to get cleaned up. I held her as soon as I was brought back to my room.
11. How long did it take for your milk to come in?
Two days I think?
12. What kind of pain medication was given to you afterwards…was it ok for breastfeeding? Did it feel like enough?
I think it was percoset. It was fine for BF. I think the amount they gave me--once every six hours--was okay. It wasn't so much the pain that hindered my recovery as my utter exhaustion from the 36 hours of labor beforehand. And silly me was so enamored with the baby that I kept her in our room 24/7 and didn't let the nurses look after her so I could truly rest. We were in the hospital almost a week because the baby had jaundice, and my biggest regret is that I didn't rest more during that time.
13. How long did it take for you to feel like you could easily get around on your own?
I could walk the next day, but it wasn't until the second day that I felt more comfortable doing it. It took a few days after that for it not to hurt to get out of bed.
14. What kind of stitches did they use? When did the stitches come out?
The kind that don't need to be taken out, I don't remember what they're called.
15. How many nights did you have to stay in the hospital after your c-section?
I don't know when they would have normally released us, but the baby had jaundice so we stayed almost a week.
16. Did your baby room with you your entire stay?
Yes. It was a case of sentimentality winning over rationality, and looking back on it, if I have another c/s, I am going to let the nurses take care of her a lot more so I can be fully rested when we get home.
17. Do you have any ongoing problems from your c-section?
I don't think so. Sometimes when my bladder is really full and I need to pee, it feels almost like there's pressure on the scar and it aches a little.
18. How does your section scar feel now?
The scar itself feels fine. It has that weird numb feeling that all surgery scars have, but nothing major.
19. Anything you’d like to add?
My labor was a failure to progress for unknown reasons, but my OB says that she's seen ten women who went through the exact same labor I did who all also happened to have had severe scoliosis that was corrected with titanium rods, just like me. Of course, it could be a coincidence, and it's strange to think that a spinal injury/complication could affect labor, but the human body is so complex that it's hard to know. I don't know if we'll try for a VBAC or not next time, but the c/s itself was the least worrying and least exhausting part of my last labor experience. I don't know if I can mentally go through the anguish of seeing my baby go into distress again because my body isn't cooperating.
blogger / coconut / 8306 posts
1. How long ago was it? September 2, 2014
2. Was your section planned or unplanned?
3. What kind of anesthetic is used? Epidural?
4. What did it feel like when they were doing the procedure?
My first section was In October 2011 and I felt nothing at all. This time, I felt pressure, movement and could tell that I was being touched but at no time did I feel pain.
5. Did you watch? Did your SO?
No, we ddbt want to.
6. What direction is the section scar? (Where is it?)
Horizontal, it's a bikini cut.
7. Who held baby after it came out?
My husband first, me second.
8. Who cut the cord?
9. How long after the baby came out did it take for you to be stitched back up again?
Not long. Maybe 15 minutes?
10. When did you get to hold your baby?
They left my right arm free so I was able to have her on my chest almost immediately with my husbands help. I was able to sit up and hold her myself in recovery.
11. How long did it take for your milk to come in?
Two days. I had her on Tuesday, my milk was in on Thursday.
12. What kind of pain medication was given to you afterwards…was it ok for breastfeeding? Did it feel like enough?
I had IV paid meds for 24 hours then after that I took Percocet and ibuprofin. It was safe to take while breastfeeding and more than adequate for the pain.
13. How long did it take for you to feel like you could easily get around on your own?
The next morning I was up and walking on my own without any help.
14. What kind of stitches did they use? When did the stitches come out?
15. How many nights did you have to stay in the hospital after your c-section?
I left a day early, so I stayed two days.
16. Did your baby room with you your entire stay?
She roomed with us the first night but I sent her to the nursery on the second night. My husband stayed at the hospital with me the night she was born but slept at home with our oldest the next day, so I sent baby to the nursery.
17. Do you have any ongoing problems from your c-section?
Nope, none!
18. How does your section scar feel now?
Pretty normal. A little numb still.
19. Anything you’d like to add?
I had a planned RCS and I felt more confident with recovery because I knew what to expect. I was able to push through the pain because I knew I could & I was able to get up and move around more quickly than before, even though I had a great and easy recovery with my first. I was able to go home a day early. I never felt like I had major surgery this time around and probably over did things, but I also had an oldest child at home and couldn't lay on the couch to rest or sleep when the baby slept like I did the first time!
watermelon / 14206 posts
I just thought of something I wanted to add: When my spinal was wearing off, my face got itchy. My nurse told me that's a common thing.
cantaloupe / 6692 posts
I'll play!
1. How long ago was it?
9 months
2. Was your section planned or unplanned?
Unplanned after 14 hours of unsuccessful labor but it wasn't an emergency c section.
3. What kind of anesthetic is used? Epidural?
I'm honestly not sure. I had an epidural while laboring but they added more meds to it right before my c section.
4. What did it feel like when they were doing the procedure?
I felt nothing. Maybe a small tug or two but basically nothing.
5. Did you watch? Did your SO?
DH watched some, but I didn't watch any.
6. What direction is the section scar? (Where is it?)
Horizontal and right above my pubic area.
7. Who held baby after it came out?
DH took him to the nursery.
8. Who cut the cord?
The OB
9. How long after the baby came out did it take for you to be stitched back up again?
30 minutes or so?
10. When did you get to hold your baby?
In recovery about 45 mins after he was born. I got to touch him after he first came out though.
11. How long did it take for your milk to come in?
72 hours exactly.
12. What kind of pain medication was given to you afterwards…was it ok for breastfeeding? Did it feel like enough?
Morphine for a while and then I was prescribed Percocet. Yes it was enough!
13. How long did it take for you to feel like you could easily get around on your own?
Pretty soon. I was walking well when I left on day 3.
14. What kind of stitches did they use? When did the stitches come out?
The dissolvable kind. They were dissolved pretty quickly, although I can't remember when.
15. How many nights did you have to stay in the hospital after your c-section?
They would have let me go home after 2 but I wasn't ready so I stayed 3.
16. Did your baby room with you your entire stay?
No. Somehow I got talked into letting him go to the nursery the first night. That was a mistake. He was in our room except for ped check ups.
17. Do you have any ongoing problems from your c-section?
Nope. Scar feels a little funny from time to time and it left my belly in an unfortunate shape but I feel great!
18. How does your section scar feel now?
Tingly. Numb below it.
19. Anything you’d like to add?
My c section wasn't as scary as I had worked them up to be in my head. Everything went really really well.
cantaloupe / 6131 posts
@Dandelion: I had a failed induction that went to a c-section. Because I had all the induction meds and the epidural before the c-section, I had a lot of drugs running through my system, which made me nauseated by the time I got into the OR. They gave me a combination of drugs for the nausea, but it made me SUPER DROWSY. Like, I barely stayed awake for the birth of my son and I kept asking my CNA and husband if I was dying and going into the light (not in a panicked way, it was pretty funny actually, but I was SO. EFFING. SLEEPY). It was a huge effort to stay awake for my son's birth. My scar looks fine, the doctor stitched me right up and they let us get skin to skin as soon as they had cleaned him off and what not. The doctor cut the cord, my husband did not get to hold my son until I had skin to skin but he had plenty of time to hold in recovery while they got me cleaned up. You don't really feel much except for a little tugging. I was up and walking the same day and they gave me a combination of Vicodin and Motrin and I felt fine. The scar area starts to sting a little the second or third day once all the IV pain meds fully wear off. You will also SWEAT so hard afterwards as everything leaves your system. Drink lots of water (even though they will probably hook you up to fluids via IV anyway). I wanted my catheter and IV out so I agreed to drink a lot more water on my own. Our hospital rooms in so the baby was with us unless we sent him to the nursery for a nap.
The hardest part was my milk coming in. I was a FTM and I don't know if the C-section had anything to do with it, but my milk didn't come in for six days and I barely produced any colostrum, so LO got jaundice and dehydration and was admitted to the NICU for 3-ish days. It was absolute hell. If you have a similar problem, I would highly encourage just supplementing with formula until your milk comes in. My son didn't stop screaming for like a week straight because he was so hungry and upset. My milk was just slow to come in and my supply took a long time to establish (it wasn't freely flowing until like 6 weeks!) He has no problems nursing or going from bottle to breast or nipple confusion, although he was a very sleepy nurser as a newborn and now a very distracted nurser as a 12 week old, so we mostly pump and bottle feed but nurse a few times a day for bonding and pleasure.
pomegranate / 3791 posts
Now that I've had two c-sections with two very different experiences I thought I would update!
1. How long ago was it?
CS #1: 18 months ago
CS #2: 1.5 months ago
2. Was your section planned or unplanned?
CS #1: Unplanned, my LO's heart rate started rapidly dropping with each contraction [:sad:]
CS #2: Planned. GD, signs of pre-e, and the first c-section were just too many factors to let me go to 40 weeks, and I never dilated at all, so I couldn't be induced.
3. What kind of anesthetic is used? Epidural?
CS #1: Yes, epidural. I couldn't believe how immediate it was - at one point I thought my blanket was still covering my legs, then they said something about being almost done with the catheter...and then was when I looked down and realized my legs were uncovered and they were in the middle of putting in the catheter. I couldn't move my legs or feel a thing.
CS #2: Spinal. It hurt SO MUCH MORE than the epi, although maybe partially because I didn't have labor pain distracting me.
4. What did it feel like when they were doing the procedure?
CS #1: Someone tracing on my stomach with a pen or pencil or something...no real pressure like I've heard described, even when they lifted him out of me.
CS #2: It was pretty awful. I could feel lots of movement - tugging, snipping, so much pressure I could hardly breathe, etc.
5. Did you watch? Did your SO? Hell no!!!! DH did look after LO was out to see him, then quickly looked away. I specifically told them I did not want to see anything. (Same for both)
6. What direction is the section scar? (Where is it?) Horizontal, right at the bikini line. I don't even think about it - it's covered by the top of underwear/bathing suits, and is nothing compared to my stretch marks. (same for both)
7. Who held baby after it came out? They handed him first to DH, who then handed him to me. (same)
8. Who cut the cord? The doctor. As far as I understand that's pretty standard with a C-section, DH was fine with it. (same)
9. How long after the baby came out did it take for you to be stitched back up again?
CS #1: I'm not sure...I pretty much lost all concept of time once I was in the hospital, apparently the whole thing took between 1-1.5 hours, but to me it seemed more like 20 minutes!
CS #2: I think it was about a half hour, although it felt way longer on account of the awful sensations I was experiencing.
10. When did you get to hold your baby? After they cleaned him up a bit (I could have had just a second of immediate skin-to-skin, but I'm really squeamish and let them towel him off first) and checked his vitals and measurements. It probably took two or three minutes, although it felt like ages! (same)
11. How long did it take for your milk to come in? I was already leaking before the C-section. (same)
12. What kind of pain medication was given to you afterwards…was it ok for breastfeeding? Did it feel like enough? I had Motrin (ha...that did nothing) and Oxycodone, which helped a ton. They shouldn't offer meds that aren't okay for breastfeeding. It felt like enough. (same, although I'd like to add DON'T FORGET TO TAKE THE STOOL SOFTENER! You will hate your life otherwise.)
13. How long did it take for you to feel like you could easily get around on your own?
CS #1: I'd say it took almost a week before I could easily stand up - before then I had to go slowly and ease myself up and often slouched over so I didn't feel like I was pulling at the incision. 2 weeks before I could walk around the house and do some chores. Closer to a month before I was basically back to normal as far as being able to go for walks, carry the carseat around, shower without being paranoid about the incision, etc.
CS #2: I didn't have the whole slouching/pulling thing going on since they used stitches rather than staples. But recovery was a lot slower with some bleeding from the incision, probably because I had a toddler at home and was overdoing it physically.
14. What kind of stitches did they use? When did the stitches come out?
CS #1: No stitches, they used staples which were removed after a week - and it actually didn't hurt at all! I barely felt it!
CS #2: They used dissolve-able stitches. Took a little over a month to go away and did cause me a fair amount of irritation where the knot was.
15. How many nights did you have to stay in the hospital after your c-section? Two. (same)
16. Did your baby room with you your entire stay? Yes. (same)
17. Do you have any ongoing problems from your c-section?
CS #1: I had hemorrhoids for a couple of awful horrible months, but that can happen with a vaginal birth too. I also had some issues with numbness in my arm just from my nerves going a bit crazy; I wore a brace for, it went away after a few weeks.
CS #2: The hemorrhoids happened again, unfortunately. No other issues once the incision finally healed.
18. How does your section scar feel now? Fine. Occasionally numb if I wear tight-fitting pants. (same)
19. Anything you’d like to add?
CS #1: I was absolutely terrified to have a C-section! I burst into hysterical tears when I found out it was necessary, but now that I've experienced it I might have another with my second - it was a million times easier than what I feared.
CS #2: I know this isn't really fear-easing, but for those considering a RCS because their first one was so easy, just be aware that may not be the case the second time around. And DO NOT OVER DO IT during recovery just because you have another LO at home.
nectarine / 2932 posts
1. How long ago was it?
11 weeks ago - September 10th, 2014
2. Was your section planned or unplanned?
Planned - my LO was breech my whole pregnancy.
3. What kind of anesthetic is used?
4. What did it feel like when they were doing the procedure?
I didn't even realize they had started! I thought they were still placing the catheter. I did feel some movement when they pulled him out, but no pain.
5. Did you watch? Did your SO?
No, no, no. We are both super squeamish.
6. What direction is the section scar? (Where is it?)
Horizontal, just above my bikini line.
7. Who held baby after it came out?
My husband, then me.
8. Who cut the cord?
9. How long after the baby came out did it take for you to be stitched back up again?
20 minutes?
10. When did you get to hold your baby?
5 minutes after. They were still closing me up when they laid him on my chest.
11. How long did it take for your milk to come in?
Came in on day 3.
12. What kind of pain medication was given to you afterwards…was it ok for breastfeeding? Did it feel like enough?
I only ever took ibuprofen. I didn't feel like I needed the Percocet in the beginning, but I wish I had taken it anyway.
13. How long did it take for you to feel like you could easily get around on your own?
I was walking the next day (but not happy about it). Honestly it took me about 3 weeks to not want to cry at the thought of getting up. This is probably my own fault - I should have taken the Percocet!
14. What kind of stitches did they use? When did the stitches come out?
I had dissolvable stitches and glue.
15. How many nights did you have to stay in the hospital after your c-section?
3 days.
16. Did your baby room with you your entire stay?
No, he went to the nursery each night. I had complications from pre-e and was pretty out of it.
17. Do you have any ongoing problems from your c-section?
18. How does your section scar feel now?
Just numb. Occasionally it'll ache a little if I've done a lot of physical stuff that day. But nothing painful!
19. Anything you’d like to add?
Take the pain meds! I didn't feel like I needed them while laying in bed at the hospital, so when I got home I didn't take the Percocet because I felt like that would be taking a step backwards. I wish I has taken them. I was very, very sore for 3 weeks.
pomelo / 5791 posts
My experience is old, but I thought I'd add it for anyone still reading this!
1. How long ago was it? almost 2 years ago
2. Was your section planned or unplanned? planned
3. What kind of anesthetic is used? Epidural? Honestly, I don't know. The kind they stick into your back? lol
4. What did it feel like when they were doing the procedure? I felt my body being shoved from side to side and a little bit of pressure. I do remember specifically the final push where DS was pushed off of my lungs (he was really long). DH said I sighed really loudly and said "I can breathe!!!!!!!!!" lol
5. Did you watch? Did your SO? EW f no. There was a sterile field around it and we couldn't see even if we wanted to.
6. What direction is the section scar? (Where is it?) horizontal. It's so low it's below my hair line.
7. Who held baby after it came out? DH did. My arms were flailing too much from the shaking.
8. Who cut the cord? the doctor, I assume.
9. How long after the baby came out did it take for you to be stitched back up again? It was pretty fast, but felt like a long time. Maybe 10 minutes total.
10. When did you get to hold your baby? In recovery. Almost 30 minutes after birth.
11. How long did it take for your milk to come in? It never did.
12. What kind of pain medication was given to you afterwards…was it ok for breastfeeding? Did it feel like enough? Percocet, which I had a bad reaction to (it gave me horrific migraines). It was enough for the csec pain, but since it caused other pain...it wasn't worth it.
13. How long did it take for you to feel like you could easily get around on your own? A good week
14. What kind of stitches did they use? When did the stitches come out? dissolvable stitches and glue
15. How many nights did you have to stay in the hospital after your c-section? Had him on Wednesday and was released on Sunday. I would have stayed forever if they had let me. Lol
16. Did your baby room with you your entire stay? He could have, but I had 1 or 2 nights alone to sleep.
17. Do you have any ongoing problems from your c-section? Other than the gross pooch? Lol, no.
18. How does your section scar feel now? Fairly numb.
19. Anything you’d like to add? It wasn't nearly as scary as I thought it would be. I was hysterically crying through the needle in the back part - and basically for no reason. By the time I knew it was happening, I was numb!
watermelon / 14206 posts
Bumping again for any more stories, questions or for anyone getting nervous to read.
pineapple / 12793 posts
1. How long ago was it? Nine weeks.
2. Was your section planned or unplanned? Planned repeat c-section.
3. What kind of anesthetic is used? Epidural? Spinal and epidural.
4. What did it feel like when they were doing the procedure? It wasn't as vigorous as my first because I hasn't labored any.
5. Did you watch? Did your SO? Nope.
6. What direction is the section scar? (Where is it?) Above my pubic bone. My old scar had a bit of funny scar tissue, the doc cut that bit out and my new scar is smaller, flatter, and better looking.
7. Who held baby after it came out? Nurse the DH, then me.
8. Who cut the cord? The doc, DH didn't like doing it the first time.
9. How long after the baby came out did it take for you to be stitched back up again? Fifteen minutes maybe.
10. When did you get to hold your baby? Almost immediately. We were able to do skin to shin and nurse in the OR while I was still getting stitched up.
11. How long did it take for your milk to come in? Three days
12. What kind of pain medication was given to you afterwards…was it ok for breastfeeding? Did it feel like enough? Tylenol, Advil, oxycodone. Used maybe three oxy pills. Kept with the OTC stuff for about a week. I'm a baby about pain.
13. How long did it take for you to feel like you could easily get around on your own? BT the end of the week I felt amazing.
14. What kind of stitches did they use? When did the stitches come out? Steri strips. They feel off on their own two weeks later.
15. How many nights did you have to stay in the hospital after your c-section? I was supposed to stay two but I had an awful nurse and pretty much discharged myself and announced I was leaving 26 hours after surgery. I was in my own bed 29 hours after DD2's birth.
16. Did your baby room with you your entire stay? All 29 hours of my stay.
17. Do you have any ongoing problems from your c-section? Nope!
18. How does your section scar feel now? Flat and nice, my first scar was yucky. Having a nicer scar is a small perk of the RCS.
19. Anything you’d like to add? I was very torn between VBAC and RCS but based on my risk factors it seemed that RCS was safer for us. My recoveries have been so so easy. I have friends that delivered within a week of me and they have struggled with their vaginal recoveries way more than I ever did with my sections. It's not ideal, but Caesareans aren't nearly as bad as I thought they were as a newly pregnant mom.
watermelon / 14206 posts
@oliviaoblivia: ugh, bad nurses are the worst. I had one during my S ordeal, and almost had her for M, but I got rid of her before she even walked in my room.
Thanks for sharing!
pineapple / 12793 posts
@Dandelion: I'm glad you didn't have her again!
Mine made fun of me when I asked for toilet paper. Taking the first PP BM to find that the bathroom wasn't stocked was a low point in my recovery. Five hours later I still didn't have TP and pulled the plug on our stay.
persimmon / 1472 posts
1. How long ago was it? 3 years ago
2. Was your section planned or unplanned? Unplanned
3. What kind of anesthetic is used? Epidural? Spinal.
4. What did it feel like when they were doing the procedure? I felt some tugging and pressure when they were reaching in to take DD out. It was a very strange feeling.
5. Did you watch? Did your SO? Nope.
6. What direction is the section scar? (Where is it?) Above my pubic bone below my panty line. It's horizontal.
7. Who held baby after it came out? Nurse the DH, then me.
8. Who cut the cord? The doc did because DH has a fear of blood. He didn't cut the cord for DD2 during a VBAC either.
9. How long after the baby came out did it take for you to be stitched back up again? Ten or fifteen minutes maybe.
10. When did you get to hold your baby? It took a few minutes. The nurses did her Apgar stats and cleaned her up before they passed her to DH swaddled who then brought her to me. I never got to do skin to skin with her until we were my recovery room almost 4 hours later.
11. How long did it take for your milk to come in? Three days
12. What kind of pain medication was given to you afterwards…was it ok for breastfeeding? Did it feel like enough? Tylenol and Percocet. Once discharged I took Tylenol for two more days then stopped but realized quickly that I wasn't ready to stop. The pain came back with a vengeance and I went back on Tylenol at around 1 week for another week before I dared to stop again.
13. How long did it take for you to feel like you could easily get around on your own? I was able to move around pretty ok around 4-5 days.
14. What kind of stitches did they use? When did the stitches come out? I had staples and they were removed before I was discharged.
15. How many nights did you have to stay in the hospital after your c-section? My hospital required 3 nights stay with c-sections and j stayed the entire time.
16. Did your baby room with you your entire stay? She stayed with me the entire time.
17. Do you have any ongoing problems from your c-section? A small area of my upper right thigh never regained full feeling. For a couple months I couldn't feel anything at all when I ran my nails across that area. Now it still feels a bit numb when I do.
18. How does your section scar feel now? It's mostly flat but two little sections are raised and red, like a keloid.
19. Anything you’d like to add? I had a c-section with DD1 because she was stuck. I had planned on an unmedicated birth and got all the way through labor and pushed for 3 hours before my midwife and the OB on call said we needed a c-section. DD was posterior with brow out orientation so, literally, the biggest part of her head was trying to come out. They couldn't even attempt the vacuum. She had a terrible cone head that took over two months to even out. I was upset with myself at the time that I didn't try harder and still feel some guilt but it's gotten better over time. It was what was needed to bring her safely into this world.
pomegranate / 3895 posts
I just realized I never answered this thread. I loved it when I was planning for my c-section, so I want to pay my dues!
1. How long ago was it?
7.5 months ago.
2. Was your section planned or unplanned?
Planned. Baby was breeched and I had bleeding problems.
3. What kind of anesthetic is used? Epidural?
No idea - I felt nothing, so I'm assuming it was the good stuff. I think an epidural, though.
4. What did it feel like when they were doing the procedure?
I felt absolutely nothing. I was mentally prepared for tugging / pulling and was so surprised when I felt NOTHING.
5. Did you watch? Did your SO?
I did not watch, but my husband did. He got oddly fascinated with it. He said it was the first time he saw my doctor as a SURGEON and not just the lady who measured my belly and chatted with me about my pregnancy woes every few weeks.
6. What direction is the section scar? (Where is it?)
Horizontal. Just below my panty line.
7. Who held baby after it came out?
I think my doctor, but maybe the nurse? I'm not sure. I was pretty overwhelmed. My husband brought him over to me pretty quick.
8. Who cut the cord?
My doctor. We were not interested in cutting it, so I don't know if that was an option.
9. How long after the baby came out did it take for you to be stitched back up again?
I'm not 100% sure. I thought it was like 5 minutes max, but based on the filming my husband did of the baby in the recovery room with him, I think it was probably more like 15 minutes. It felt like a blink of the eye, honestly.
10. When did you get to hold your baby?
I sort-of held him when my husband brought him over for the first picture and me to see him, but I really held him in recovery. It was all really quick and I did not feel like I was separated from him very long.
11. How long did it take for your milk to come in?
I think 2 to 3 days.
12. What kind of pain medication was given to you afterwards…was it ok for breastfeeding? Did it feel like enough?
Morphine then percocet + tylenol / advil. It was breastfeeding safe and definitely felt like enough.
13. How long did it take for you to feel like you could easily get around on your own?
I was up the next morning after my c-section (hospital requirement), but I felt like I could "easily" move around probably the day I was discharged.
14. What kind of stitches did they use? When did the stitches come out?
15. How many nights did you have to stay in the hospital after your c-section?
Ugh, it's kind of foggy, but I think 3 nights?
16. Did your baby room with you your entire stay?
17. Do you have any ongoing problems from your c-section?
18. How does your section scar feel now?
If my son stands on it, it'll sometimes feel slightly tender, but otherwise it feels normal. It took about 3 months for it to not feel like it was "numb."
19. Anything you’d like to add?
WALK! As soon as they will let you, walk the halls. That made all the difference for me. Also try to stay in front of the pain - especially on discharge day. I somehow ended up going pain medicine free on discharge day and our video of him arriving home is not pretty. I may or may not have been crying because of the pain of getting in the car / bumps and turns of driving. We probably won't share that magical video with him when he's older .
Good luck!
pomegranate / 3565 posts
I never answered for my repeat c section.
1. How long ago was it? 10.5 months
2. Was your section planned or unplanned? Planned, but it got bumped up unexpectedly because of low fluid.
3. What kind of anesthetic is used? Epidural? Epidural, I guess? I don't know.
4. What did it feel like when they were doing the procedure? First there was nothing. Then some discomfort. Then it hurt. Not to scare anyone, but it HURT. I did not have that feeling the 1st time. I think it was so much pressure that it felt like pain, major pain. I had to really concentrate and focus on ignoring the pain so that I could be aware and present when DS2 was born.
5. Did you watch? Did your SO? Yes, we both watched. I noticed a mirror by my head and they moved it so that I could see when they were pulling DS2 out. It was amazing. I couldn't see the gory stuff but just him coming out.
6. What direction is the section scar? (Where is it?) Horizontal by my bikini line
7. Who held baby after it came out? Doctor than nurse than DH, I think? DH got him quickly.
8. Who cut the cord? Doctor
9. How long after the baby came out did it take for you to be stitched back up again? Maybe 20 minutes?
10. When did you get to hold your baby? After I was stitched up and while we were waiting to get out of the OR. Once I could sit up a bit, he didn't leave my arms.
11. How long did it take for your milk to come in? 3-4 days, I think.
12. What kind of pain medication was given to you afterwards…was it ok for breastfeeding? Did it feel like enough? Percocet, I think. It worked.
13. How long did it take for you to feel like you could easily get around on your own? A few weeks. Recovery was slower than the 1st time.
14. What kind of stitches did they use? When did the stitches come out? They dissolved and I didn't need to get them taken out.
15. How many nights did you have to stay in the hospital after your c-section? The max allowed (3 or 4, I don't remember). But it wasn't because of me. DS2 had jaundice and was being monitored.
16. Did your baby room with you your entire stay? Yes, only left for circumcision.
17. Do you have any ongoing problems from your c-section? After this one, every so often I feel a weird feeling on the inside by the incision site. Not pain exactly, but maybe like a tugging. Also maybe a little sore on the inside when its cold and damp outside. Like how people who break a bone sometimes feel. I just noticed that recently.
18. How does your section scar feel now? I realize my c section scars don't heal pretty. It's slightly raised and dark.
19. Anything you’d like to add? C sections aren't bad like many make it out to be. Also, each recovery may be different!
kiwi / 643 posts
1. How long ago was it? Almost 2 years ago
2. Was your section planned or unplanned? Planned -- DS was breech the entire time
3. What kind of anesthetic is used? Epidural? Spinal
4. What did it feel like when they were doing the procedure? Just felt pressure/tugging
5. Did you watch? Did your SO? No, there was a curtain over me so I couldn't watch. DH didn't watch the actual surgery but was there with me behind the curtain.
6. What direction is the section scar? (Where is it?). Horizontal, very low on my bikini line
7. Who held baby after it came out? DH held him first, then took him over to me.
8. Who cut the cord? I honestly can't remember! I'm not sure if DH or the doctor did
9. How long after the baby came out did it take for you to be stitched back up again? Probably up to an hour - at least it felt that way
10. When did you get to hold your baby? I semi held him for 2 minutes right after DH did, but then I didn't actually hold him until after I was stitched up.
11. How long did it take for your milk to come in? Not sure how to answer this -- I breastfed in the hospital (colostrum) and then when we got home, I switched to formula for numerous reasons. My boobs never hurt and I didn't leak so I don't even think my milk ever came in
12. What kind of pain medication was given to you afterwards…was it ok for breastfeeding? Did it feel like enough? Percocet and ibuprofen -- it was enough as long as I kept taking it every few hours.
13. How long did it take for you to feel like you could easily get around on your own? Not sure, maybe 1-2 weeks but I still had pain. After 3 weeks I felt more "normal". I should add that I was up and showering on my own by day 2, but I still had a lot of pain. But I made sure to push myself and walk around when I could
14. What kind of stitches did they use? When did the stitches come out? Dissolvable - can't remember when they fell out
15. How many nights did you have to stay in the hospital after your c-section? 3 nights
16. Did your baby room with you your entire stay? Yes-- there is no nursery at the hospital I gave birth at, so he was with me the entire time
17. Do you have any ongoing problems from your c-section? No
18. How does your section scar feel now? Fine - still a little numb
19. Anything you’d like to add?
kiwi / 529 posts
I read each and every one of your stories! Thank you all for posting. I believe I am going to have to have a c-section (due to a cyst) and I am pretty terrified. I have high anxiety so I'm already starting to get anxious and it's not until September. Is there any way to calm to anxiety on delivery day to avoid being totally out of it?
pomelo / 5791 posts
@paigeface: I have extreme anxiety and I went in telling them that over and over. I literally told every nurse and the anesthesiologist about my anxiety, as well as reminded my doc (as if he could have forgotten lol). I was told that they COULD have given me something if it was really bad, but that depending on when it was administered, the baby would have it in his system (which I didn't want). So, the anesthesiologist basically kept checking in with me through out the process asking me if I was ok and to let him know if/when I felt that I really needed anything. I didn't and it ended up being fine!
watermelon / 14206 posts
@paigeface: Honestly, waiting and worrying about the procedure was worse than the c section itself. There's so much going on and nurses and doctors talking, while your SO is next to you...it all just kinda happens and it's fine. The excitement of meeting your baby kinda overpowers the anxiety.
apricot / 309 posts
Thank you to everyone who has posted! I'll be having a c-section soon, and reading your stories (for the most) has helped a lot
kiwi / 529 posts
@valentinemommy @dandelion thanks ladies! I am so nervous. I would have done the same thing @valentinemommy and keep telling them I have high anxiety. The more and more I think about it the more I give myself anxiety. I will just be randomly sitting somewhere and start overthinking! I'm 3 months away and don't want to keep worrying every single day. All of your stories helped a lot though!
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