alright ladies, help me out here.

DH, LO and I have been stateside for 2.5 weeks now. the container of formula we brought over from nz lasted us the first week and a bit.

for a variety of reasons I've stopped BFing in the last few days so we've been feeding him more than just his one formula bottle a night.

the problem is since yesterday he has basically been refusing to drink any formula. we bought I think enfamil gentle ease.

could he just not like the taste of this kind? is there another kind you recommend?

he generally seems happy as normal, but he has been pooping a LOT more, and got car sick and threw up 5 times over 4 hours a week ago.

I guess I'm just venting, we have no insurance here obvs, so can't take him to a dr to make sure everything is okay either. ugh!