If you SAH and have two LOs, did you have your older LO in any kind of programs when the new baby was born? Classes, drop off programs, camps, babysitters?

C is 2, will be almost 2.5 when the new baby is born this winter. I've been thinking that she could use some more structured activity where she can run around a little more- we go to the playground every day but I think she is starting to get a little bored lately. Especially in the winter, with a new baby, I think she will get really antsy at home all the time, plus I'm thinking a couple hours for me to be home with just the baby would be nice. But then it seems like an unnecessary expense of I'm a Sahm... Curious what others have done and liked or not liked.

And the preschools around here all start at 2 years 9 months, so I plan to start her in that next fall right after she turns 3, for a couple of days a week. I'm just thinking of one or two mornings a week this winter.