K is officially over the 6 months mark and we should be, by all accounts, ready to start introducing some solids. I keep D R A G G I N G my feet though. I feel sad that she's not so little anymore, scared of throw-up/poop/allergic reactions/gagging/the mess. Each time I've mentioned to DH this weekend about starting to give her a tiny bite this weekend, he's come up with some reason to delay it too. We're both such chickens. heheh

I want to try and give her a little bit of avocado tonight, but I've heard about a lot of vomiting/spitting up. DH is worried about any bad reactions. I know it shouldn't be such a big deal. Tell me about how your LO reacted to their first solids, first time/da, week? Anything we should watch out for? Did any of your LOs throw-up in their sleep? We're such first-timers...