My OB put me on modified bed rest yesterday, probably until I am full term in 6 weeks. Since I am a SAHM and we don't have family in town or anyone who could consistently take care of LO we are looking at finding a temporary at home day care that he can go to either full days or just in the afternoons (depending on what my ob recommends...he is a very active toddler who loves to climb on the furniture and if I can't lift him I can't care for him on my own right now

Anyway, he does great in the short term nursery settings he has been in, and the at home we are looking at is basically just one other little boy, so I think he will do fine. But, I am really really insanely worried about him napping somewhere other than home. He so desperately needs his naps...if they get interrupted he gets overtired very easily, which quickly leads to an awful cycle of super early wake ups, screaming at bedtime, and basically a complete nightmare for all parties involved. The thought of screwing up his sleep right before our daughter is born and we have a newborn at home is practically giving me panic attacks.

So...that said, any suggestions for helping him transition as quickly as possible to sleeping somewhere else? Is it crazy for me to send a pack and play for him to sleep in so that it is more familiar (he sleeps on a floor bed at home but is always in a pack and play when he sleeps anywhere else). Any other tips for a short term transition like this? I never ever anticipated needing to put him in full time childcare... this is a worst case scenario (hopefully full day won't even be necessary!), but I like to be prepared! I am sure that other than napping he will be completely fine.
