school district just sent a letter saying that they are aiming for in-person school in the fall, and that all children will wear masks.
I already have a stock for my kids, but would like to label them. I feel like the typical Oliver's stickers we use to label things for school will be itchy/awkward. Has anyone ever used that white old school iron-in labelling tape? Or have another idea? Maybe I'm gross, but I'd like to have my kids' masks returned if they're left behind/dropped/confused with another child's mask - I'd just wash them and put them back into rotation....given the costs of masks and the possibility that they might become hard to replace if everyone ends up needing a bunch this fall, I want to do what I can to help my kids keep track of ours.
I'm totally thinking of using paci clips to clip them onto my 3 year old and maybe even my 6 year old's shirts, so if they are allowed to remove them at some point in the day they don't wind up on the floor.