I breastfed my son 4 years ago very successfully. My labor and delivery was rough and I ended up with an emergency c-section but perhaps because I had labored so long (2 1/2 days) my milk came in almost immediately. I had a slight problem getting him to gain weight in the beginning and was told to supplement with formula. We tried but were honestly not that successful since he nursed all of the time and it was tough to fit in. Despite this he eventually caught up to his birth weight by about 2-2.5 weeks. My daughter was born two weeks ago via planned c section, however, and we are having a much tougher time. She dropped from 7lbs 9 oz to 6 lbs 15 oz within the first four days. At her one week appointment she was only 7 lbs .5 oz and we were told to supplment with 2 ounces a day. We did but when we went back 5 days later she had only gained 2oz. Now we were told to supplement 1-2 oz at each feeding. I am having a tough time fitting this in as she nurses practically around the clock but the doc said to just do our best. On top of it I am still trying to fit in pumping, I am only averaging 4 hours of sleep and I am exhausted. The first day I was able to get 6 extra oz in her and the second day 3 oz. I weighed her today (we are technically 3 days in now) and it appears she hasn’t gained an ounce. I am so frustrated. I am literally doing the exact same things I did with my son but getting very different results. I am doing my best but not getting anywhere and it is so frustrating. I am feeling engorged after three or four hours. She is producing a large amount of wet and dirty diapers, I let her nurse as long as she wants, I am able to pump 1-2 oz after a feeding and she seems a lot more content than she did in the beginning. All signs with the exception of her weight point to her doing well so I am baffled and beginning to lose hope. Anyone have issues like this? I am seriously beginning to wonder if I will just be unable to produce enough this time or if something else is wrong and am beginning to get stressed about the whole thing (and we all know that doesn’t help! )