pear / 1696 posts
@Swoggette: @Emilia80: AF arrived today, bummer! see ya on the April POAS thread!
cherry / 134 posts
@Lady Grey Boo for AF. Hopefully this will be all of our lucky month. Fx.
apricot / 296 posts
@lady grey: oh bummer! So sorry. Hopefully we are all lucky to get a bfp in April. As of tomorrow I'm officially back in the TWW!
apricot / 296 posts
@BrianaK: I'm really hoping and praying u get a bfp soon. I hope clomid has worked for u. I am officially in the TWW too now I should O today if I haven't already. I decided not to use opk this cycle. I did clomid this cycle and am hoping it's helped.... PLS keep us posted on your progress.
grape / 89 posts
@Emilia80: good luck to you as well! Sometimes opks can be so confusing anyways so I think it can be better to take a break sometimes.
apricot / 296 posts
@BrianaK: thank u. Same to u. When do u test? How did u feel on clomid!? Did u feel any o pains? I usually do but my first round of clomd and I felt no o pains which is weird but now worried it's affected my chances of o this month. Is that even possible? I usually o on my own with no issues.
cherry / 134 posts
@Emilia80 how much longer before you decide to test? During the TWW it is so hard to stay patient. My fingers and toes are crossed for you
I am felling a little bummed this cycle. Nothing in particular, just off. Hoping O comes soon. I am only on cd8 today. OPK's have been totally negative, which I expect at this point and I am trying my hand at temping which is actually not very easy! I am curious to see how long my luteal phase is.
Keep up posted.
apricot / 296 posts
@Swoggette: well I didnt use opk this cycle as I was on holidays which would've been around O day. I should be about 4-5dpo according to my app which is usually always on point, according to previous OPK's. I have a 12 day Lp. So I won't test until AF is late which isn't due until next Sunday. Very long wait. Hate the TWW. Ughh, but I have a feeling it's not happening this month. Just a gut feeling.
I started clomid this cycle and usually I get o pains few days before but this time I didnt so am worried clomid worked opposite on me.
I've wanted to temp but don't think it would work for me bc I donthave a regular sleep pattern. Wish I could though.
are u saying you've never had a positive opk?
grape / 89 posts
@Emilia80: I am pretty sure you would O if you already do on your own! I usually get intense O pains and mine were fairly mild this month. The only thing I have noticed is hot flashes every single night and some moodiness. Nothing to extreme. I can test on Tuesday or Wednesday. 10 or 11 dpo but that's still early. I feel the same as always before Af so I'm thinking it's a no this month. How about you ?
cherry / 134 posts
@emilia80 I did have a positive opk last cycle. Only referring to this cycle as its post chemical pregnancy. I am unsure how my body will respond and how soon or late I will O. I purchased a large pack of opk's and am testing twice a day. And temping for my first cycle but that is a bit difficult due to inconsistent sleep pattern. So we will see.
Fx for you this coming week. Keep us posted
apricot / 296 posts
@BrianaK: yeah it's weird I was expecting much more intense pain but nothing. Hopefully I did O. I've been having some pains now on my left so hope it's not happening now bc that's very late andI thought clomid usually makes u o earlier. I'll take an opk in the morning to see.
Atm I feel absolutely nothing at all. No symptoms. I too feel the same as previous months even last cycle I thought maybe I was bc I had no pms but nope AF arrived.
Gooluck I really really really hope u get a bfp this month. If mine is bfn I'm upping my clomid dosage.
apricot / 296 posts
@Swoggette: oh ok. Well wish u all the best with charting and hopefully u get your positive opk soon and followed by a bfp. Will keep u posted ..
apricot / 296 posts
@Swoggette: @BrianaK: I am6/7dpo and stupid me tested today. I know I set myself up for failure. Of course bfn. So am convinced now I'm out this month. Feeling gutted.
grape / 89 posts
@Emilia80: you still have time hang in there! I'm 11/12 dpo and pretty sure AF is coming... Mild cramping is here
apple seed / 3 posts
I just joined the website and this is where I need to start! 11dpo and so excited, nervous and preparing myself for potential disappointment.
Made the mistake of testing Monday am and BFN set me up for a crappy start to the week so I committed to waiting until at least Thurs/Fri to test. Last night I went on and tried to find examples of people who got BFNs and then when they got their BFPs
1st cycle TTC after MC at 8Wks in early Feb.
Symptom spotting like crazy - boob tingling and heavier feeling, slightly nauseous this morning. 7dpo I had very light brown spotting for a few hours which I took as a very good sign and perhaps the illusive IB.
Great to read so many other people in the same situation. Wishing you all great luck and sending positive vibes.
apricot / 296 posts
@BrianaK: thanks, but I have a feeling its not my month, I feel pms'y too! When is AF due for u?
grape / 89 posts
@Emilia80: Af is actually due today but I have shorter cycles and heard that clomid can lengthen your cycle, so I'm sure that's why Af hasn't shown yet!
apricot / 296 posts
@BrianaK: oh really? I did t know that. So when will u test? How long do u think we should wait if AF doesn't show? How many days more does clomid extend cycle u think?
grape / 89 posts
@Emilia80: today was only 11dpo so I'll test tomorrow if AF still hasn't shown. I'm not sure how long clomid would extend my cycle I'm assuming a few days. I def feel Af symptoms though.
apricot / 296 posts
@BrianaK: noooooooo. I'm really hoping u get a bfp. Stay positive! Keep me posted. Will be praying for a bfp for u.
cherry / 134 posts
@Beachlover1330 its tough not to symptom spot and google everything under the sun. Good luck! Fingers are crossed for you
My last cycle ended in a chemical unfortunately and I am now on cd 12 waiting to O again.
@emilia80 and @Brianak keeping my fingers crossed for you two as well!
apricot / 296 posts
@BrianaK: @Swoggette: well ladies I'm 100% sure I'm not preg. Am bout 8/9dpo took another test bfn, but what really gave it away was the big zit that appeared on my chin tonight which is a sure tell that AF Is on her way. I get these every cycle just b4 AF is due. Can't believe all the bd I did last week + clomid did nothing, it's starting to freak me out, worried it's gonna take much longer than I expected.
pomelo / 5791 posts
@Emilia80: You never know - I didn't get my BFP until 12dpo and I'm almost 22 weeks now. Good luck, girl!
apricot / 296 posts
@ValentineMommy: did u test earlier than that?? Was it bfn befor 12dpo?
I would love to believe I am still in with a chance but when I touch this zit I doubt it very much.
grape / 89 posts
@Emilia80: @Swoggette: thanks ladies for the fingers crossed but Af arrived right on day 28. My ob wants me to continue clomid with follicle scan for a few more months then contact an RE since we have been ttc for one year now and its unexplained. So disappointed wish you both the best of luck!
pomelo / 5791 posts
@Emilia80: With this pregnancy, I had BFN's from 8dpo to 11dpo and it was still pretty darn light the morning of 12dpo. I didn't get a BFP with DS1 until the day my period was actually due. Don't count yourself out yet! As for the zit, I got all sorts of zits at the time of my BFP (and in the 1st trimester in general). You never know!
apricot / 296 posts
@BrianaK: it am so sorry to hear that AF arrived, I am right behind u. I am definitely getting mine too. Feeling very pmsy. It sucks big time! Maybe I am bd too much? Idk what else it could be damn it.
apricot / 296 posts
@valentinemommy: @Shannonrenee0201: thanks ladies. But I just feel very pmsy, and so clumsy which always happens when AF is due. Too many signs leading to AF so really doubt I'll get a bfp. Will let u girls know monday if the witch has come.
apricot / 296 posts
Tested again this morning at what I think am 10/11dpo and star white bfn, I'm out this month.
cherry / 134 posts
@emilia80 Not over until AF shows. Chin up.
@Brianak Hopeful for you for next cycle.
@beachlover1330 any news?
I am excited to have had an LH surge on Thurs and Friday and possible O. Will see. Happy Easter everyone.
apricot / 296 posts
@BrianaK: did clomid extend your cycle?? Or did af arrive on time?
@Swoggette: AF is due today. So far nothing, I'm obsessed with going to toilet every 5min to check ! I even rolled out the white carpet for her appearance ( aka a pad), preparing myself for her to show up. Logical side of me says don't be fooled it's coming and stop obsessing but the other hopeful part of me is thinking could I be preg? Will see how today unfolds.
As it was also my first cycle taking clomid I've heard that clomid can lengthen Lp, anyone heard this? So am thinking this is why AF hasnt arrived yet and will prob show up tomorrow or Wednesday.
I have no more HPT to test so I have to wait it out. I would dash to woollies to buy one but I'm trying to not set myself up for failure by seeing another bfn and rather wait to see if AF arrives.
grape / 89 posts
@Emilia80: clomid extended my cycle one day... My doctor said it should just make your cycle pretty accurate ie a 28 day cycle.
apricot / 296 posts
@BrianaK: ok so I need to give it 2 extra days to bring me to 28 day cycle as I'm a 26 day girl, damn was getting excited for nothing.
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