My breastfeeding experience with my first son was not magical at all. I battled thrush, multiple rounds of antibiotics for me and my son, bleeding nipples...every minute that I wasn't trying to feed him was spent googling how to make the breastfeeding experience a better one. It was exhausting. And after switching to formula after 3 months, it left me pretty scarred.

I went into the whole breastfeeding thing this time around with an open mind. I still winced at the pain. I worried about every little sign that I might get thrush again. And I have cried. A lot. But overall, this time around has been much better. And I've told myself, do not spend the "off hours" googling how to make breastfeeding better.

But you guys, I think I've hit a growth spurt, or I'm dealing with overactive letdown, or something. There's SO much screaming and crying while at the nipple! I've reached 6 weeks and I'm losing it. I want to push through and I've read that I shouldn't quit when it's hard. But I really lost it yesterday. Breastfeeding is SO HARD!

When did it become magical for you? Am I on the fringe of it really becoming better? Or am I in the thick of it, and I just need to do my best to push through?

My guy was born at 37w3d. And we are currently 6 weeks post partum. Do I just need to make a goal to reach 2 months and it will get better? Or is it just going to be another trying time once I reach 2 months? Is the 6 week growth spurt real?

I know every baby is different. But I'm really struggling here...just looking for encouragement.