When you introduced solids, what was your game plan?
I still feel like I am winging it.
LO is almost 6 months. He is on his 3rd First Foods veggie that we chunk up with oatmeal or barley cereal twice a day. He gets plain oatmeal or cereal in the morning. He is drinking 20-24 oz of formula a day. He feeds himself from his bottle pretty well.
DH doesn't want to rush introducing fruits, so after the initial round of giving him one veggie for a few days I figure I would mix it up each feeding. For store bought puréed First Veggies I can only find peas, squash, string beans, carrots, and sweet potatoes. Are there others you have come across?
LO is so interested in what we eat now and I am tempted to try BLW although DH is most comfortable with the purées for safety reasons. Did you BLW with sticky oatmeal/cereal? Is it confusing to babies to spoon feed and also BLW?
I read 6-7 months is a good time to introduce a sippy cup during at least one meal. I also read once you begin solids you should give your LO a little bit of water. Did any of you do that?