We have enough of DS's medical food/formula to get us to Monday, then we are out! Our DME cannot reorder until next Saturday due to insurance and our pedi (nor any other local doctor) doesn't carry samples of it. Their only suggestion was to order directly from the company online which is SUPER expensive and I would hate to do so since we only need a few days worth...I have to order another months supply or pay $12/8 oz for individual boxes...obviously we will order online if we have to, but I'm not even sure we would get it in time at this point with the weekend? I also emailed his allergist who is going to check what they have in their supply of samples over the weekend, but can't make any promises since he needs a certain flavor. If she has some I will be traveling ~4 hours Monday to pick it up!
Really no point in this post other than needing to vent my frustrations and yet another reason why I wish my child would drink something other than his "box"! Why can't he drink water like a normal child?! I'm also kicking myself in the bum for not keeping our reorder going when we had a surplus in our supply. Just didn't want the stuff to expire!