So for a lot of reasons that don't really matter to this thread, I had to stop giving my LO bm cold turkey. I had been EPing 4x/day and was making about 12oz/day when I quit. I wanted to wean off pumping asap since my LO wasn't getting the milk anyways, so I followed this schedule:
(had been pumping 4 times)
Day 1: pump 3 times
Day 2: pump 3 times (woke up with a clogged duct, boo)
Day 3: pump 3 times
Day 4-6: pump 2 times
Day 7: pump 2 times (planned to pump once, but had a clogged duct)
Day 8-10: pump 1 time
Day 11: no pumping-- felt fine
Day 12: boobs hurt to the touch all day, pumped once before bed for 10 min (only got 1.5 oz, but boobs stopped hurting)
I'm now on day 13. My boobs are kind of sore, but only if I touch them. How should I proceed? Should I keep pumping whenever they get sore to be more comfortable? Or if I stick it out with sore boobs for a few days will I dry up faster?