I've been concerned about DD having some kind of food sensitivity since very early on because she spits up a ton (still all day long at 6 months) and has some mucus in her poop. But she's ridiculously happy, has no other symptoms, and I've been told every diaper I've brought to the pediatrician is "normal." I've been avoiding large dairy since 2 months, but I'm not super careful about hidden dairy/soy.
Anyway, we started solids this weekend. She had a few spoonfuls (maybe took in a total of 1 teaspoon, if that) of butternut squash on Saturday morning. Saturday afternoon her poop was suddenly NEON green and stringy. Then on Sunday we tried some more squash (she ate a lot more this time) and the green poop continued and her butt started to get very irritated. Same thing today.
I should also mention there's a bad stomach virus going around her class at day care, but she hasn't thrown up at all - just the green stringy poop and diaper irritation.
We're obviously going to stop the squash for a few days and try something new over the weekend, but did anyone else have a similar experience introducing solids? Does this sound like an allergy? Butternut squash seems like a really odd allergy!