A is 7 months old and EBF. Up until a week ago, I had a great supply and was able to pump enough throughout the day at work to cover her bottle needs at daycare and add to my frozen stash. All of a sudden, last week, my supply tanked. I can't even cover her bottle needs. It's taking me 30+ minutes of pumping (at night and in the am) just to let down. I was away with my husband last weekend, and though I couldn't pump regularly, I still managed to pump at least 4x a day and want having this problem with let-down taking so long. But at this moment I'm attached to my pump, been here for 30 minutes, and no let down. The pump is turned way up.

My nipples are suddenly super sensitive, as though I'm nursing a newborn again. I don't know if that's to do with all the pumping or if there's something else going on. I haven't gotten my period yet PP. Just last night I started feeling cramps like maybe my period is coming. But last time I don't remember any of this happening when my period came back PP.

Anyone have any thoughts? Any tips to help simulate let down faster? I've tried looking at photos of A, watching videos of her nursing, watching her on the monitor...nothing works! I'm frustrated and sore. Not to mention I don't have time on weekday mornings to sit here attached to the pump for 30+ minutes!