DD is 9.5 months and has been successfully breastfed since birth. I ran into some supply issues fairly early on (around 7-8 weeks), but got it back with herbs.

I pump twice a day (morning and night) so that DH can do bedtime and give DD a 5 oz bottle of expressed milk. Since DD has been consistently STTN for the past month or so, that's meant that I get a good amount (4-5 oz from one side) in my morning pump, so whatever I pump in the evening gets frozen.

All of the sudden this week, my supply sucks! In the evening, I've gone from consistently pumping 3.5-4 oz, to being lucky to break 2.5 oz. WTH?! I've added he herbs back in, am drinking a lot of water, and am eating a lot.

It's not the end of the world, as I still get enough for her bedtime bottle with my morning and evening pumps combined, but it makes me worry about my supply and how much she's getting during the day when she nurses.

Is this something I need to worry about, or do you think it's normal now that DD is STTN and eating a lot (a lot!) of solids?

ETA: It just dawned on me that maybe this is a sign that AF is on her way back?