Curious as to what others would do...
My anxiety is sky high these days as I return to work in 4 weeks
DD is 6 months and will be going to a great private sitter full time
DD started refusing a bottle at 3 months and has never looked back... we tried everything and it just became a night mare
So we ditched that and at 5 months introduced a sippy cup with some solids..also using formula
She seemed to be taking it ok a few ounces here and there but even now it is the same...I am so fearful to force it on her as we did the bottle in fear she will reject it as well... stubborn kiddo
I feel like just continuing to offer it as we are and she will have to figure it out more at day care?!
Still breaks my heart sending her knowing she isn't eating from it as she should?
DH offers, I have left ...we do all those things.....
Should I just relax and let it go?