LO is 10.5 months old and we are still nursing-- I am so, so happy that we have made it this far and that we're both still enjoying it at the moment. I am away from LO for 10+ hours during the day and while we have been supplementing 1-2 bottles of formula a day after pumping became a game of diminishing returns a few months ago, we are still enjoying (most days) a morning, evening, and at least one middle-of-the night nursing sessions.

As we approach a year, though, I am considering my options for weaning completely or continuing to nurse the same 2-3 times each day. I am definitely planning to stop pumping at 12 months (it might even be sooner!), but now I am thinking that I might want to consider nursing, even if just for comfort, beyond his first birthday.

If you breastfed, when did you stop nursing completely?