Yesterday LO came home with a lot of extra food and ate like a horse for dinner.

His new room really wants all the kids on table foods/ school lunch and they have kids his age, 8 months to a year old. We send, 2 jars of prunes to mix with cereal and 3 jars of purées. The amount we send was based off of his prior room teachers' saying he wanted more food. He came home with one jar of prunes and 2 jars of purées, typically he would just have one purée jar left over. For dinner he ate two jars of purées and 3 oz of formula. Usually, we can space out a bottle 45 minutes later, but he was still so hungry after the two jars.

DH is beside himself over this because they didn't follow our feeding plan although they said they would and would wait until we gave them the go ahead for table food. We may be looking at alternatives at this point. I'm just trying to get a feel if DH is in fact over reacting a bit. LO is ready for table food, but doesn't have teeth. DH is concerned about safety and nutritional value.