Our DS is 7 months and still doesn't really like to eat food. We started around 5.5 months. Sometimes he'll take a few spoonfuls but for the most part, he closes his lips and maybe will take a little bit. When he does eat he'll like sweet potatoes or pears but that's only sometimes...If we're having some soft foods like mashed potatoes I'll give him some but he just ends up playing with it and not really tasting it. I give him a bottle maybe an hour before he eats or sometimes after, depending on the timing of things. He looked interested in food when we first started but now I'm not so sure. He likes to grab the spoon with a death grip and shoves it in his mouth but usually there's no food on it b/c he flung it!
I figure he'll eventually get the hang of it soon (I hope). Did your LO not take to solids at first? When did they start liking them? Is there anything that I can do to make it more enticing? Or are there any tricks I can use?