Hellobee Boards


Who is dealing with a dairy intolerance or MSPI?

  1. LovelyPlum

    eggplant / 11408 posts

    Bump! How is everyone?? Eat anything good at your Labor Day barbeque?

    We've had an interesting weekend. My LO has had a major recurrence of symptoms the last few days,and I have been racking my brain to figure out what it could be that I ate. I have been so careful, so it was really frustrating. I think I may have a hunch, though: beef. We normally don't eat it, but I had it 4 times over the last week, and that is when the symptoms have come on with a vengeance. I have a call in to the ped now, so we will see what he says.

    In the meantime, @pirouette: any tips???

  2. fussygal

    pomegranate / 3580 posts

    We're doing well. I had a soy latte yesterday to see if she really has an issue with it (up until now it was just eliminated as a precaution). So far she seems totally fine - fingers crossed!

    @LovelyPlum: Bummer! At least it's something you don't eat a lot of, I guess - silverlining kinda? Hope she's feeling better soon!

  3. Pirouette

    pomegranate / 3331 posts

    @LovelyPlum: ugh ugh ugh! that's exactly what happened to me over memorial day - i very rarely eat beef and ate a lot of it that weekend, and she had the exact same symptoms as with dairy i'm so sorry that happened to you! what did your ped say?

    @fussygal: that's so awesome! i was totally thinking about getting a soy latte the other day but chickened out and i dont think my girl has any issue with soy, but just in case!

    we were planning on trialing dairy in a week or 2, but the past 2 days, N has been extremely gassy and uncomfortable, and up all night with gas. I don't think it's dairy related (i don't think it's even possible?) but it may force us to put off the dairy trial if she doesn't get better soon. i would love to give her some yogurt and see if the probiotics help her tummy, if not for the dairy issue!

  4. Mae

    papaya / 10343 posts

    @LovelyPlum: oh no! I'm so sorry you're still dealing with this! Gah what is up with our babies man.

    @fussygal: yay! fingers crossed!

    So.. I am maybe a MSPI dropout?

    Last I updated I had eliminated all dairy and soy and LO was improving on her eating. After 2 weeks I added back soy (just the little bits in packaged food. No like... soy milk or anything) and after 4 days she seemed to be getting increasingly gassy and then started having bright green super mucous poops. WTF? This was confusing because she never had those before I cut out dairy and soy (her only real symptom was the food refusal). Although I did realize after I cut dairy/soy and started her on the nutramigen that her poop changed and I think it was somewhat mucous-y before and I didn't realize thats what that meant until I saw normal poop.

    So I decided she was allergic to soy. And quite honestly pumping was making me miserable so DH and I talked about it and decided to just put her on 100% nutramigen and me to stop pumping. She was on 2/3 nutramign anyways and doing great. So as of Friday night she got just nutramigen and I started weaning off of pumping. Mucous poops went away within 2 days but then Monday she had two (not mucousy) army green poops (god I hate how much I talk about poop now. seriously).

    So I called the ped Tues morning and they said that color isn't really important (unless it is red black or white) but mucous is and it sounds like she IS allergic to soy so sticking with the nutramigen is the best bet. They also asked how many times/day she goes and I said pretty much always 1, maybe 2 (and they said great she shouldn't really be going more than that).

    Then of course she pooped 5 times yesterday. What the hell?! She hasn't done that in months.

    Also her sleep has gone to absolutely shit (expected-- she is 16 weeks so I guess 4 mo regression a little early?), but also she has been incredibly fussy. Like unbelievably fussy. Just a little fussy sat-sun. A little more mon. Yesterday she whined and cried all day long. Today so far hasn't been AS bad but still tons of whining and crying. I know this is probably tied to the crap sleep/wonder week/regression but I have this worry in the pit of my stomach that it has to do with switching her off of bm entirely??

    Oh also she has been a drool MACHINE. She's always been drooly but the last week has been crazy. Like soak through a bib in under 10 minutes drool. So then I wonder if the drool could have caused the mucous poop and maybe she isn't allergic to soy. And I also wonder if she's teething early and thats why she's been impossible.

    God I wish babies came with error codes. Plug 'em in and find out what's wrong, just like when your check engine light goes on.

  5. abbydabbydoodlebug

    nectarine / 2636 posts

    @Mae: haven't checked this thread in a little while, but I just wanted to come in and give you big hugs. If she's drooling a ton, then that might be causing the fussiness and 16 weeks is prime sleep regression. Hope it doesn't last long for you! I was driving myself crazy with trying to get DD to sleep more. Hang on mama!

  6. LovelyPlum

    eggplant / 11408 posts

    I've been terrible at keeping up with this thread. Ironically, the reason is more dietary issues

    We're headed to the pediatric GI on Monday. I am so glad for the referral, because I can't tell if things are getting better or not. I'm pretty sure I ate something on Saturday, because she was a disaster on Sunday and Monday. Daycare called me on Monday, and I could hear her screaming in the background. It broke my heart She seems to be better these last few days, except for a major poopslosion this morning and some mucousy spit-up today.

    I'm really afraid of what they will say on Monday, though. Are they going to tell me to stop breastfeeding? I think that would break my heart (and my wallet) at this point. If it was in her best interest, OK. I know me, though, and that would make me feel like somehow I failed. I know it's not true, but that's how my brain goes, it seems. The good news is that she is happy and growing. I just hate seeing her in pain.

    @Mae: I've been thinking about you. How are you doing?

  7. Mrs. Deer

    blogger / persimmon / 1231 posts

    Ladies I'm so sad I didn't see this board sooner! Trying to read through it all and catch up but it'll probably take me a bit.

    LD is 20 months old and we haven't retested dairy/soy with her since she was 9 months old (directly at least). I was EBF and was able to slowly reintroduce dairy and soy back into my diet shortly before her 1st birthday. We weaned at 18 months but I've still been too nervous to give her dairy or soy!

    My question for those who have tested giving their LO's dairy or soy... what kind of food did you give them? I feel like I've read so many different things, from yogurt to baked dairy to straight milk. At 9 months I gave her two small bites of yogurt each morning and on night #2 she woke up vomiting

  8. fussygal

    pomegranate / 3580 posts

    @LovelyPlum: So sorry Hoping things get better before your appt on Monday and that you find answers there!

  9. gilmoregirl

    persimmon / 1273 posts

    @LovelyPlum: this is very much how I felt before we saw the GI and the appointment turned out to be very helpful and reassuring. I'm hopeful that you and G have a similar experience and can catch a break soon. Good luck.

  10. Pirouette

    pomegranate / 3331 posts

    @LovelyPlum: BIG HUGS!!! i hope that the doc is more attentive to her needs than just to say "switch to formula" - that doesn't seem like it should be the right answer to me. I'm so sorry she's suffering still. I hope you get some answers and support on monday!

    @Mrs. Deer: welcome! i haven't trialed her yet, but i'm planning to over the next week (trying to let her get over the cold she has and we just introduced egg so i wanted to wait a few days). she will be 9 months next week and we were planning on starting with a few small bites of yogurt like you did, because i'd heard it was best. Since it has been so long, you could try yogurt again or she's old enough that you could also try WCM (in a very small amount). From what i've read, there's no right answer, but it's definitely encouraging that you were able to tolerate small amounts of dairy while BF as well! We decided we're going to trial my LO directly rather than me eating it because it takes so long for it to be out of my milk. I would say not to start with baked dairy only because I think the fewer ingredients the better so you know there's nothing else causing an issue. but at 20 months, that might not be relevant for you if LO is eating everything else at this point. I hope she does better this time around!!!! btw what did you switch to as a WCM alternative when you weaned?

  11. Mae

    papaya / 10343 posts

    @LovelyPlum: I'm so sorry you're still having issues Ugh feeding our babies should not be so hard. I hope your GI doc is better than mine was. We're doing pretty well! Fia has been exclusively on formula for almost 2 weeks now and seems to be doing well. She's been eating awake and willingly, and has ventured into "normal" ounces even the last 4 days! She is still super fussy about eating (almost always refuses to eat unless it is right before nap time and she is tired, swaddled, fan on, no distractions in our bedroom, etc)... and we've been having a lot of trouble with her being willing to take a bottle from anyone except me (parental preference sucks yo). But considering that she used to scream every time you'd pull a bottle out and would only eat WHILE she was sleeping and we still never got more than 20-22 oz/ in her per day? Merely fussy/annoying eating habits are completely sustainable.

  12. Mrs. Deer

    blogger / persimmon / 1231 posts

    @Pirouette: thanks! Maybe we will revisit yogurt. I think baked dairy would be fine for her since it's such a small amount and she did do better with my dietary changes while breastfeeding. I just hate to risk her throwing up, always makes me so sad

    we didn't end up doing any milk substitute. She's really picky about what she drinks and doesn't even really like juice! We just make sure she gets lots of healthy fats (avocado, but butters) and protein.

  13. Pirouette

    pomegranate / 3331 posts

    @Mrs. Deer: I know exactly what you mean. i'm pretty terrified about trialing dairy, but because of our timeline on other accounts, we really have to give it a shot soon. i just can't bear the thought of intentionally giving her something that could make her sick! but at the same time, i'd hate to think i'm depriving her of calcium and other nutrients for no reason. and i think she's gonna love cheese when she is allowed to have it

  14. Anagram

    eggplant / 11716 posts

    @Mrs. Deer: I'm in the same boat as you--terrified of trialing any dairy or soy. Since just a month ago, LOs poops were black and tar like after just 1 lick of a stolen cheesy poof (from a baby friend), I'm afraid to do the real stuff.

    I should probably make another appt. with the GI doctor to ask how it should be introduced, but I just felt meh about them in our first visits, so we stopped going.

  15. abbydabbydoodlebug

    nectarine / 2636 posts

    @Mrs. Deer: My pedi said to try yogurt, cheese, then straight milk when reintroducing dairy. I've only tried yogurt so far and she was fine. If you want to try baked dairy, i'd make toddler muffins or something myself, so I'd know exactly what went into them.

  16. Pirouette

    pomegranate / 3331 posts

    how's everyone doing?

    so we decided to trial dairy! we gave her a little yogurt Monday evening and then 2x yesterday. She's eaten about 3/4 of a small individual sized chobani yogurt. So far she hasn't shown any reaction, but I'm wondering how long it takes for her body to process it. how long should i wait before trying something other than yogurt? Also not sure how long I should stay dairy free to make sure it's not in my milk if she has a delayed reaction? Anyone have any advice/ideas? I was thinking of giving her a week or two with just the yogurt, then trying cheese, then if she does ok on the cheese, i could introduce small amounts to my diet.

    Please cross your fingers for us that she doesn't have any reaction at all!!

  17. Pirouette

    pomegranate / 3331 posts

    @abbydabbydoodlebug: how long/how much yogurt have you been giving her? i'm so glad she's done ok with it! would love to hear your plans for introducing more dairy

  18. abbydabbydoodlebug

    nectarine / 2636 posts

    @Pirouette: I gave her yogurt in the morning a few weeks ago. She loved it, so I gave her maybe 3-4 tablespoons.

    Just yesterday, I tried scrambled eggs with milk, and she did fine with that too. I haven't tried cheese yet, but that's next. I'm still only giving her 1 meal a day most of the time, so I'm waiting until 8 months to have her eat it on a regular basis.

    I only waited 3 days in between introducing new foods. My friend who has a son who had a dairy reaction said it showed up as a rash for yogurt about 6-12 hours after he ate it. And cheese showed up immediately around his mouth.

    ETA: That's great that there's no reaction!! Hopefully it continues that way! I treated each new dairy product as a "new food" so if i ate yogurt, I waited 3 days to eat cheese, then 3 days to eat ice cream/milk.

  19. Pirouette

    pomegranate / 3331 posts

    @abbydabbydoodlebug: thanks! that's awesome! 6-12 hours gives me hope - i'm trying not to be too optimistic though...i don't want to be disappointed. I'm so glad your LO is doing well with it so far. I'm trying to make sure i don't overload her with it, but i also really want to get her eating dairy consistently, because her weight gain is not good and i think full fat yogurt/cheese will help. I like the idea of using the 3 day rule for each type of dairy.

  20. anandam

    kiwi / 687 posts

    Hi all, @LovelyPlum: invited me to join you here (thanks!) and it'll take me time to read the archives and catch up, but here's my intro for the meantime:

    LO's age?
    Just about 4 months (in a few days)

    Sensitivities? How do they react? When/how did you find out?
    No diagnosis yet but something is definitely up. Green, slimy poops started early, around 2 weeks old. Ped suggested oversupply and fore/hindmilk imbalance, block feeding ever since has mostly resolved the green, but mucus lingers. About a month ago we had a green one with flecks of blood, had a negative bacterial stool culture, blood/green cleared up so ped suspected viral. Meanwhile all poops are still kinda mucous. Then this week and last we twice more had the flecks of blood, so I'm pretty sure it's something in my diet. He also seemed to spit up more on the blood days, and has had a persistent diaper rash. DH is sensitive to wheat and dairy so I'm suspicious of those. Coffee seems to correlate, though I guess that's not a common culprit.

    Are you BFing?
    Yes, EBF. Right now I feel like everything I eat is suspect except fruits/veggies, so I don't know what to give up or what is safe!

    Words of wisdom to share?
    Not yet...

  21. LovelyPlum

    eggplant / 11408 posts

    @fussygal: @gilmoregirl: @Pirouette: @Mae:

    I am so sorry that I haven't responded sooner. This week has been totally brutal. But to answer the question, Monday went pretty well! Well, at least most of it did. The fellow who we saw first was a nice enough woman, but I sorta got the impression that she thought I was a little nuts for thinking beef and soy were issues. But then she did the poop test, and sure enough, blood. Not a lot, but enough for a positive. The doctor overseeing the fellow then came in and talked to us. The great news is that she is now 14 pounds at 5 months 5 days (well, on. Monday she was) and has gained about 22 grams per day since birth. He said he likes to see it between 20 and 30 grams, so we are on the low side, but in the range. He also said that he trusts that if I think soy and beef are contributing to the problem, then to keep them out. We go back in a month for a weight check and stool check,

    All in all, it was very empowering to know that I wasn't making this up, but it was hard to admit that there was something wrong. I will say that this board has been SO helpful. I swear, if I had walked out of that appointment without already knowing what I do about eliminations, I would have cried and been so overwhelmed. But as it was, I was just a little overwhelmed and mostly relieved.

    So thanks ladies. This really has been a huge help!

  22. LovelyPlum

    eggplant / 11408 posts

    @anandam: oy, welcome. Glad you're here for support, but not glad you need to be.

    So here is my two cents, for what it is worth. I had a suspicion that something was wrong, but it took a while for my suspicion to line up with our diagnosis. It wasn't that the doctors were being obstinate, just that I was noticing things that individually weren't a huge deal but added up to my strong suspicion of MSPI. I finally got to a day where I couldn't take it anymore, and I decided to bite the bullet and eliminate dairy. My husband got on board, and we figured, it couldn't hurt, right? It took me a week or so to notice any real difference, but it then became pretty dramatic. She was just so much happier all around.

    All that to say, go with your gut! I've decided that knowing about others' experiences helped me to know what to look for and bring to my ped, who eventually referred us to a GI. Even before that, though, I was able to make a dramatic difference in my LO's demeanor by acting as if we already had the diagnosis and making changes from there.

    Also, take it one day at a time. It is super duper overwhelming to try to think, gah, I can't have cheese for a year. Thinking like that sucks. I just tried to take it one meal, one snack at a time. We slowly got rid of things I couldn't eat around the house, and when my husband had finished with them, we didn't buy more. It took trial and error, but remember: every step is a step forward, even when it seems like a step back. And come here often for support. I know I couldn't do this without this great community!

  23. LovelyPlum

    eggplant / 11408 posts

    @Pirouette: @abbydabbydoodlebug: so excited to hear about your successful trials!

  24. gilmoregirl

    persimmon / 1273 posts

    @LovelyPlum: I'm so glad that your appointment went pretty well. It's weird because there are often not answers to come from these appointments; our doctor spent a good deal of time going over the existing science and disagreements among pediatric GI's across the country and how there often isn't a lot of rhyme or reason to it. But he took us seriously, explained what they DO know, and helped us to come up with a plan that suits our needs. ANYWAY. I'm glad you left feeling positive, because I know how mega-nervous I was.

    As for us, we are in a weird place right now. Everything is good with Ben's bloody poops -- haven't seen anything suspect since early August. But I've accidentally (and sorta on purpose) had both dairy and soy in early September with no reaction whatsoever. Never a large amount, and I always went right back to dairy/soy free right after, so maybe it's just not enough to trigger a reaction? But with no reaction, I am playing around with things a little. Trying out goat cheese tonight!

  25. gilmoregirl

    persimmon / 1273 posts

    @anandam: Welcome We had a rash problem when my LO was having the bloody, green poop, but I do think it was because the poop was a weird consistency. It turned into a yeast infection though and spread and was a bit of a nightmare. In our case at least, I think there was some digestive issue causing the weird poop which caused the rash, if that makes sense.

    If your DH is sensitive to those allergens, it would make sense that there might be a sensitivity with your LO. It was a super frustrating experience for me, and I hope you are able to get things worked out soon.

  26. LovelyPlum

    eggplant / 11408 posts

    @gilmoregirl: not a lot of answers sounds about right. I feel like so much is trial and error, so it's hard to say. But I am really glad to hear that B is having a good time of it with your trialing dairy! Goat cheese sounds awesome. I hope that it works!

  27. anandam

    kiwi / 687 posts

    @Baby Boy Mom: the info about how our generation is among the first who've been exposed to all the processed soy is really smart. Makes me feel a little less crazy somehow.

    @LovelyPlum: @gilmoregirl: Thanks for the welcomes and thoughts. I'm gonna talk this all over more with DH, and LO has his 4mo appt on Monday so we'll definitely bring it up there. I'm thinking it may make sense to go all in and eliminate dairy, soy, wheat, eggs, and coffee, and see what happens over a few weeks, then if all's well, trial some things back in. Serious grocery trip is in order this weekend, I think!

  28. skipra

    pomegranate / 3350 posts

    @anandam: sorry to see you here, but welcome! I agree it makes sense to eliminate more than you may need to just so you don't drag it out trying to figure out the cause. I thought that wheat could possibly be an issus but maybe not so I eliminated it and will try to reintroduce soon.

    @gilmoregirl: glad that your lo didn't react to small amounts of dairy and soy! Good luck with the goat cheese! Last weekend I had some salad at a wedding with dressing on it and we had bloody poops the next day for almost a full week, so it sounds really promising that you didn't experience something similar!
    @Pirouette: @abbydabbydoodlebug: so great that your los seem to be taking the dairy so well!
    @LovelyPlum: glad that you are being taken seriously now. Our ped doubted my suspicions even after 4 diapers tested positive for blood. It wasn't until the last appointment when I made a big deal about how much better he is eating and acting and how his poop is normal now that he conceded he may have been wrong.

  29. Pirouette

    pomegranate / 3331 posts

    @LovelyPlum: that sounds like a pretty good appt, overall! The weight gain must be reassuring, and it is great to feel like you have the knowledge and are doing the right things for her! Sorry there is still blood, but at least you know, right? Glad we've all been able to help each other out!

    @gilmoregirl: enjoy the goat cheese! I've been eating it with no issues - I hope you can too!!!

  30. anandam

    kiwi / 687 posts

    Looking for some advice from you experienced mamas...

    Our pediatrician really doesn't suspect a food intolerance because the symptoms are inconsistent, she suspects anal fissures, but she said to keep a food diary and see if anything correlates from the previous 24 hours whenever we see a bloody green stool.

    So on closer examination of every diaper we are seeing blood more often than I thought, twice in the past week. But some days are yellow and curdy and normal. LO is gassy and spits up some days more than others but generally happy and sleeps and eats well. Looking at my food log I don't see any clear suspects.

    When you all were narrowing down causes, did you notice that eating something one day would always worsen symptoms within 24 hours? Was there ever more of a delay? Or is it not so clear - some days baby seems affected by the problem food, some days not?

  31. Baby Boy Mom

    pomegranate / 3983 posts

    @anandam: my experience is that pediatricians know VERY little about breast feeding. That said, I also think every baby is different and reacts differently. For example my LO reacted to dairy starting anywhere from 18-36 hours after I ate it and the reaction could last quite a while depending on how much I ate. For soy, though, it was a cumulative effect. So if I just ate it once it was no big deal, but if I ate soy thing for like 3 meals in a row then I would start getting a reaction and it would take a long time to stop seeing the effects. This is the reason that a food log is complicated to follow. I think if you really want an answer then you'll need to do an elimination diet and add things back in one at a time. I think the bottom line is to trust your mommy gut!

  32. Pirouette

    pomegranate / 3331 posts

    @anandam: i'd say before i eliminated dairy, there wasn't a clear correlation, whereas once i had eliminated it, there was a pretty quick reaction if i had any incidents. from what i understand, milk protein intolerance basically means the intestines become inflamed when you have milk protein, but that doesn't necessarily mean you immediately see the impact. so you could have blood any amount of time later, because the milk protein caused the inflammation, and if let's say you have a milk intolerance, it could take multiple instances before it would rise to the level of mucous/blood passing through to the poop.

    Does that make sense? I'm not a doctor, this is just how i understood it from LO's ped!

  33. gilmoregirl

    persimmon / 1273 posts

    @anandam: In our case, I was told food logs are very hard to draw conclusions from because a suspected food shows up in your breast milk anywhere from 4-24 hours after it is consumed. Which means it can then be even longer before it gets to/through baby. Our GI doc told me to stop with the food log, but that is very likely because I was literally losing it trying to figure out what I was eating that was the cause of our issues. But we also had nothing but green bloody poop for months, so there was never a chance to look for a correlation.

  34. anandam

    kiwi / 687 posts

    @Baby Boy Mom: @Pirouette: @gilmoregirl: So helpful, this all makes perfect sense, thank you! Did you all eliminate dairy first because it's most often the problem? Or did you eliminate more things at first? How long till bowel symptoms improved?

    I did cut out most dairy last week (had a little butter and cream a couple times) and will be stricter now, but curious to hear your experiences so I can sort of feel less blind!

  35. Pirouette

    pomegranate / 3331 posts

    @anandam: i eliminated dairy first because our ped said it was the most common. she recovered (it took maybe 2 weeks for her to really be back to normal?) so we stopped there. I also made a conscious effort to reduce soy, but that only lasted a short while before i realized it was clear that the dairy was the issue.

  36. gilmoregirl

    persimmon / 1273 posts

    @anandam: I eliminated dairy first and then added soy to my list after five weeks of no dairy hadn't made a difference. After 8 weeks off both, his diapers cleared up and we haven't had a problem since. I don't think the length of time we saw is the norm at all. I did have to label read though -- which means a lot of breads and cereals, etc are off the table because they contain the milk protein.

    Kellymom has a helpful cheat sheet:


    After his diapers were clear for a month, I started challenging a little and trying things here and there (ie, a granola bar that had soy in it, a tiny amount of parmesan cheese on my pasta, goat cheese) and so far we have had no issues. I had a soymilk latte yesterday, so I'm waiting to see how that turns out.

  37. Baby Boy Mom

    pomegranate / 3983 posts

    @anandam: yes dairy first because that is most common. We saw a big improvement within a few days. But then he still had a rash for a while and it took me a couple more weeks to eliminate soy completely. I made our house completely dairy and soy free for a while so that there were no temptations. Then once I was used to it, it was easier to buy some dairy for DH and LO1.

  38. catlady

    grapefruit / 4988 posts

    @anandam: I did both dairy and nuts at the same time (not really something I recommend, fwiw). My baby seemed to get super sick right after I had a ton of almonds, but everyone said to try dairy first, so I just went with both. In the end, I had to keep eliminating (she ended up definitely sensitive to soy too, plus some undetermined things). But just the dairy, soy, and nuts was enough to make a huge difference for us in the beginning.

    If it helps, my pedi told me that she would normally recommend cutting dairy, soy, wheat, and eggs in that order as first suspects. She also mentioned that sometimes babies who are really sensitive to soy will have an issue with legumes because they are similar, or babies with a dairy issue will also have a problem with beef. In the end, it is really just trusting your gut and (dare I say it) a bit of luck. I eliminated sooo many things and we still never figured out all her problems. But at 12 months, she is outgrowing them slowly but surely anyway.

  39. anandam

    kiwi / 687 posts

    @catlady: omg this is so frustrating. dairy, soy, wheat don't seem to be doing it... actually things seem worse. i've definitely been eating more eggs/nuts/peanuts than usual to compensate, so maybe that's the next to go. then legumes?! which feels like everything.

    also to both @catlady: and @gilmoregirl: when it went on so long, did you get pressure to switch to formula? my dad just started this with me tonight and it really upset me. but then again, maybe that does make sense? curious how that went for you, and how you decided to hold out.

  40. gilmoregirl

    persimmon / 1273 posts

    @anandam: Yes, I did. My LO saw one pediatrician in our practice (not his usual dr) who wanted me to put him on formula right away, but I refused. Every other LC and doctor (including our pediatric GI) was supportive of my insistence that we continue breastfeeding.

    What symptoms does he have? How is he doing in general? The advice I got that really helped was to treat the baby and not the poop. So, we were seeing bloody poop and it was upsetting, but my son was happy, growing, and otherwise unaffected. We kept doing what we were doing.

    I know it doesn't help, but I really feel for you. I drove myself CRAZY trying to figure out what was causing the bloody poops, overanalyzing my diet and his diapers. It was so, so frustrating and awful. And then one day it just got better, with no additional changes from me. I'm still not sure that MSPI is definitely what was going on for us; it's all pretty nebulous though.

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