My sisters neighbor/friend had a baby about a month ago and breastfeeding has been really rough. She's not making enough milk and he's losing weight, so her doctor was really pressuring her to use formula, she finally had to, but her son rejected it, he spit it up. So she asked my sister if she could use some of her breastmilk, my sister would have definitely given it to her, except that she has no excess, she makes just enough for her son. She felt so bad.

Anyhow, I always seem to have extra, my son definitely doesn't drain me out. I can usually pump an additional 3-4 ozs AFTER a feeding. It's crazy. So I told her to offer her some of mine, if she felt comfortable with it.

I would definitely use breastmilk in place of formula if I had the option. But I would probably want to use someone's who I know really well, and know their diet. Like my sister, I would totally use hers.

how about you? or would you just use formula?