LO is 21 months and only sees her grandparents a few times a year. We do facetime so she is familiar with them, but she is only okay if we are there with her.

We are near the end of a short 5 day visit. She is at a clingy stage so she refuses to go to them unless we are with her. We have been staying with my parents but making sure to spend time with DH's parents. If i am not there, she basically cries and cries and cries. Even if i AM there, she will cry if she cant see me (for example i was driving and the grandparents sat next to her).

We are hoping to go out on our own between her waking uo from nap and bedtime. We were going to leave her with DH's parents, even though she is worse with them (compared to my parents who will be busy).

We are expecting a horrible time but i feel like the situation is similar to taking her to daycare for the first few times.

What do you think?? Should we do it? Are we going to make her hate her grandparents forever??