So figuring out exactly the whole pumping situation at work has always been such a pain in the butt and I had to go through HR who had to go through our Labor people to figure out the guidance, blah blah blah. Basically I was told that Exempt employees (me) needed to make up the time or use our vacation/excused time to cover it. So that's what I did. I probably used over 120 hours of vacation and excused time to cover my time pumping for Xander!

So now that I'm pregnant again, I realized I'm going to be using up ALL my time while I'm out on maternity leave and I'm going to come back to work with a zero balance! Booo!! So I asked HR what that would mean for when I have to pump since it's unlikely I'll be able to make up the time. HR said she'd have to get back to me but they just released a new Labor Guidance Manual that finally INCLUDES info for nursing mothers and it says this:

"Exempt employees using the nursing mother's room may make up the time, or charge the time to excused time or vacation. If an exempt employee does not have excused or vacation to use, and cannot make up the time, they may charge exceptional excused time with HR approval"

It still sucks we have to use our excused/vacation time, but now I know if I run out, I can get approval from HR to charge exceptional excused time to cover pumping!! I'm so excited about this update because this whole worry was totally freaking me out, haha!