DS is 8 months old. He's been eating pureed baby food since he was 6 months old. He started on a little bit and ate everything we fed him - now he eats up to 8 oz at a time (lunch and dinner). Daycare has a food grinder/masher and puts whatever fruits and veggies that the other kids are eating through it. She'll add in applesauce or bananas to whatever is being served. At home I feed him Earth's Best purees. He hasn't seemed ready for anything too chunky yet, and still pushes cheerios and puffs right back out of his mouth.
DS has always gotten fussy now and then while eating, usually at night time, but lately he has been refusing to eat more than 2-3 oz and just cries and turns his head to the side.
Anyone else go through this? I'm not sure if it's too late for him to want to eat (usually around 6:30 or 7:00 and he goes to bed between 8 and 8:30). He usually will refuse veggies, so I try those first when his patience is the highest then switch to fruit. But the last week he's been refusing it all.
Any suggestions?