My 10mo LO has started really kicking off during nappy changes. He waits until I lift his legs up to wipe him, and then he starts screaming, goes rigid, pivots on his head and shoulders and starts trying to crawl away.

When it's just a wet nappy it's not such a big deal as I can do it one handed in a few seconds, but when he has pooed it is a horrible nightmare of me trying to restrain him and turn him back over, with both of us getting more and more covered in poo.

He's been having what I would call tantrums since about 8mo (dramatic crying, arching and kicking in response to not getting his own way eg being allowed to eat cat food) - and what I normally do is just hold him gently so he doesn't hurt himself, and silently wait for the tantrum to subside. But obviously that is not practical when he's naked from the waist down and covered in poo!

I've tried giving him toys, books and even my phone to distract him, these hold his attention for a few mins but as soon as I lift his legs up, the trouble starts. He's not yet standing unassisted so I can't do it upright.

Any bees out there with any advice or tricks that I have missed? I am starting to dread nappy changes, and I HATE having to physically restrain him (which is nigh on impossible anyway). If your LO went through a phase like this, how long did it last?